I've made it boys and girls! I've actually made it to Championship I league in Steemmonsters for the first time ever!


With only 2 hours to go before this Steemmonster season's end I managed to make it into Championship 1 league for the first time ever. The best I've made it so far has been Championhip III which requires 3700 points. Championship I requires 4700.

chamion 1.jpg

150 reward cards will be coming my way instead of the usual 60-80. Better be some gold legendaries in there.

champion 1 150.jpg

header ch1.jpg

Yippee-ki-yay, Motherfucker...

I'm really pleased with my effort since it looked I would fail to make it. I have rented a few maxed cards but I didn't have all the maxed teams and no legendary summoners for the last seven days.
