Splinterlands: Bring the Chaos!


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Start your collection of Splinterlands today at my referral link

Chaos is coming and I am welcoming it with the now hundreds of thousands of players that have landed in the ecosystem to play to earn! It has been amazing to see how quickly the community has grown and how well the development team has adjusted to provide a consistent experience and plant the seeds to the next phase of Splinterlands. I am definitely biased but like what I am seeing for the future of the game and community!

My confidence comes as a player since 2018 which has seen me not only continue my engagement but also increase it every time the team comes up with something new. In the past year alone, seeing the release of Guild Brawls and the SPS governance token has kept me more than encourage about the potential of the ecosystem. Prices have been crazy but the fact that these benefits accrue to the community is amazing and exciting considering how many other projects and communities are just getting started in the process.

I was finally able to get my hands on 1,000 vouchers from the airdrops to get into the PreSale. It was an obvious target to hope to reach considering the bonuses and the benefits they bring to our AirDrops which will continue for months! Even with the increase in pack prices, I never hesitated to buy these considering my past experience with the game. Whether it was in the previous two Kickstarters or the lands pre-sale, I have never been disappointed in any purchase I have made from the team.

However, this is just the start! My collectionist mentality will have me busy over the next couple of weeks as the launch gets closer. Keeping my collection complete and competitive remains my main goal. Considering it is a totally new edition and the increase in prices, I still have a ways to go to achieve this. The AirDrops of future cards will make it engaging as we saw with Untamed and Dice so plenty to look forward to!

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! My collectionist mentality will have me busy over the next couple of weeks as the launch gets closer. Keeping my collection complete and competitive remains my main goal.

It's hard to stay on top of everything but since the value goes back to the community your investment keeps making more money.

If you commit to splinterlands then you will get a lot more back in return. Especially with what you have put into the game so far it must be paying off handsomely at this stage.


Absolutely agree! Saving new vouchers to make another big purchase before general. Now to save some up for potions before opening them all!
