Member Management Report


Preface to our auction

Don't waste your DEC on the Guild-Hall! There are still members who do this, as you can see in the Guild's Hall Building tab.

As I discussed earlier today, this does not make sense, and you are welcome to add to this discussion! Yes, it will keep you active. But it won't take our guild anywhere in terms of building upgrades. And it's similar with the Store. If we don't find a consensus on which building we want to upgrade next, we won't be expanding any of them anytime soon.

Congratulations to @tacobear for outpacing @zekken555, @ldrwndozuvoxeiny and @huuczu in our guild score table. And congratulations to @slaccumsleener for joining right above @j406d, @kiba10, @shaddowzekken and @iyel25.

My statistics draft from the 141st brawl is again pre-published at, with @anjadani's great support following tomorrow again. Everyone is welcome to add to it, too, i.e. with your battle links and some short commentary to it, for becoming a beneficiary when it is published final. It is just that this draft at HackMD is not public for anonymous editing but needs you to sign-in with your individually registered account.

Ultimately, I want to facilitate the access to planning and drafting of articles in order to levitate individual blogging. If you haven't participated yet, check out "blogging together". Later I added to this with "drafts on mobile". If you have not read enough into adding to Hive and being notified through our Hive community, take a look into "Discord bot update".



  • Timetable
  • Internal Player Score Table
  • If you are new to this
    • What we expect from any member, in a nutshell
  • Link to addendum


03/21 11:00 AM CEST - top-up auction ending, one account will be removed (if all spots are filled)
03/20 12:09 PM CEST - @slaccumsleener joined
03/18 04:32 AM CEST - @tixx joined and already left
03/17 04:48 PM CEST - @og9x joined and already left
03/17 04:42 PM CEST - @chungtlll144 joined and already left
03/17 09:42 AM CEST - @atkan joined and already left
03/17 09:42 AM CEST - @atineakoli joined and already left
03/17 08:34 AM CEST - @arisa777 joined and already left
03/17 08:21 AM CEST - @argumentits005 joined and already left
03/17 08:07 AM CEST - @arfct14081623 joined and already left
03/17 07:54 AM CEST - @arenahip joined and already left
03/17 07:40 AM CEST - @aquintonvis8 joined and already left
03/17 07:27 AM CEST - @appreciatedepres joined and already left
03/17 07:14 AM CEST - @appointmentyeah joined and already left
03/17 07:01 AM CEST - @appletonanastas joined and already left
03/17 06:46 AM CEST - @aoroitne joined and already left
03/17 06:33 AM CEST - @aoomb71998519 joined and already left
03/17 06:19 AM CEST - @aoejldw joined and already left
03/17 06:06 AM CEST - @anublada joined and already left
03/17 05:53 AM CEST - @antonvillanueva joined and already left
03/17 05:39 AM CEST - @antinoslt joined and already left
03/17 05:26 AM CEST - @anthainden joined and already left
03/17 05:13 AM CEST - @anritom joined and already left
03/17 04:59 AM CEST - @anor92 joined and already left
03/17 04:46 AM CEST - @annalisaostler joined and already left
03/17 04:33 AM CEST - @anloichuan joined and already left
03/17 04:20 AM CEST - @anitasaz joined and already left
03/17 04:06 AM CEST - @anism72 joined and already left
03/17 03:53 AM CEST - @anhpham5731 joined and already left
03/17 03:13 AM CEST - @anhkhoa23 joined and already left
03/17 03:00 AM CEST - @anhkhoa21 joined and already left
03/17 02:47 AM CEST - @anhkhoa18 joined and already left
03/17 02:34 AM CEST - @anhiuem023 joined and already left
03/17 02:20 AM CEST - @anhiuem017 joined and already left
03/17 02:07 AM CEST - @anhiuem016 joined and already left
03/17 02:04 AM CEST - @rubenalberto removed because of ignoring this text
03/16 05:05 PM CEST - @rubenalberto joined
03/16 04:36 PM CEST - @gilgameshs joined and already left
03/16 04:32 PM CEST - @teamaces re-joined and already left
03/16 04:28 PM CEST - @teamaces joined and already left
03/16 04:18 PM CEST - @ginsupig4 removed before deadline for ignoring our procedures, being mute in the chat and self-assigning to a fray (3). Ridiculous!
03/16 04:13 PM CEST - @ginsupig4 joined
03/16 03:26 PM CEST - @ryousakamoto03 removed because of ignoring this text, being mute in the chat and self-assigning to a fray (2). Ridiculous!
03/16 08:24 AM CEST - @ryousakamoto03 joined
03/16 05:44 AM CEST - @pukenrally joined and already left
03/15 09:36 PM CEST - @thetormenator removed because of ignoring this text (and being mute in the chat)
[previous timetable]

Internal Player Score Table

Actively contributing accounts within the recent blawl and its position by score:

SpotAccountCalculated onScoreDECScrollsTimes brawledfavorite Tier 1favorite Tier 2reachable via
7@anli03/20/2366,40222,1343(5) + 8-10--HF
  • vacation till April, will not be removed for being passive

@iyel25 scheduled for removal, for being last in the list and being passive for a loooong time.

Yellow card: Passive accounts with no DEC or Scroll contribution within the recent blawl (more then 5 days), position by scrolls:

-- none

Second yellow card: Passive accounts with no DEC or Scroll contribution within a second blawl, position by scrolls:

-- none

Red card: Passive accounts with no DEC or Scroll contribution for more then two blawls, and therefore scheduled for removal, position by scrolls:

SpotAccountCalculated onScoreDECScrollsTimes brawledDays agoTier 1 favoriteTier 2 favreachable via

@iyel25 scheduled for removal for being passive, if there is no open spot.

For more recent notes an unofficial draft is at

If you are new to this

Become familiar with the member management, please. Because the guild spots are precious, the last in our list will be removed regularly. That is part of our procedure as noted in the addendum linked at the bottom. And if you don't acknowledge all this within the first 2 hours after you joined, you may be removed without notice right away. How can we know? Well, you'll see! And any questions are welcome anytime!

Please understand, it is not on me to show comprehension. I'll do the best I can! Though this guild is somewhat managed like a DAO. That is Decentral Autonomous Organisation. So I simply follow the procedures that have evolved here by now. And for when you become passive and no one can reach out to you in time, ugly things can happen. As documented in past notes. See e.g.

If you want to join and stay, we can make that happen even with presently no open spot available. We may schedule it for that you can be there the moment our weakest contributor is removed. Sounds familiar somehow? Like with a mob abandoning their weakest offspring to survive a predator attack. Your contribution needs to be enough for not being the weakest. Everyone who got removed is welcome any time again. It's just that contributions from earlier are at zero any time an account re-joines.

What we expect from any enduring member, in a nutshell:

Priority A: Some contribution within the last 3 brawls. Without at least 1 DEC even a quest scroll will make this, if the Lodge is not maxed out for the rest of a season.

Priority B: Be not the weakest contributor in our mob the moment an auction ends. This moment is when a new brawl starts. The second to last score in the list is bold highlighted. That is the tide you need to take in DEC without scrolls added to the lodge yet for outpacing that account. Just keep in mind that this is going to be a live auction, so whatever other accounts put into it within the last seconds is summed up to be the final result, no matter what this published report showed some minutes or sometimes days before. Only the result is published again afterwards.

Link to addendum

For our recent Member Management Notes Addendum with general guidelines and procedures see
