
Let's check out Elven Cutthroat this week. Below you can see her stats and how she evolves in higher levels. This is my second post on this character, I have tried to utilize her and think about here a bit more, so look out for updated content.

Card overview

I will be honest, Elven Cutthroat is not the first card, which comes in my mind, when putting a team together. Why is that? Because each splinter has their own low mana sneak card.

SplinterStealth alternativeStats (Mana/Attack/Speed/Shield/Health)
NeutralElven Cutthroat3/1/3/0/1 : for reference
FireKobold Miner2/1/2/0/2 : lower cost / higher health / - slower
WaterSabre Shark*3/1/3/0/2 : higher health
EarthGoblin Sorcerer3/1/2/0/2 : magic attack / higher health / - slower
HolyFeral Spirit3/1/4/0/2 : faster / higher health
DeathSkeleton Assassin3/1/4/0/2 : faster / higher health
  • Another current reward cards is Pelacor Bandit, which has the stats as Saber Shark and Flying!

In which cases is it worth to play out this card? I think two characteristics have to be met:

  • A card provides additional attack power to Elven Cutthroat. In the start deck this can be Malfric Inferno or Silvershield Knight.
  • And the main strategy is on Stealth (more then 1 stealth card is used)
    Now lets look at the fight!

This card is good is best in low/mid mana battles.
I forgot in my last post to think about Rulesets, and these impact the usability of this card a lot.

Armored upElven Cutthroat gets an additional 2 shield, making her stay longer in the fight!
Holy ProtectionElven Cutthroat gets the first successful attack negated, how cool is that!
Little LeagueAs cards to up to 4 mana can be used, this gives an opportunity for the Elven Cutthroat to shine
EqualizerThis is where Elven Cutthroat can really shine. Great as a low cost tank or defending the back line.

Splinter allowed: Fire, Water, Earth and Death
Unprotected - Monsters do not have any armor and do not get armor from Abilities or Summoner Buffs.
Reverse speed - Monsters with the lowest Speed attack first and have the highest chance of evading attacks.

I expected my enemy to run a full magic team without shields (Unprotected) and I wanted to decimate them from behind.

I selected Malfric Inferno to add strength to my sneak monsters.

I needed a tank with moderate health to catch the fire power of the magic cards so I chose Pit Ogre. The alternative would have been the Living Lava but as it had 1 less health and costs 1 more mana, and I needed both it was a clear choice.
I was also hoping that the Pit Ogre would stun the enemies tank in the first round.

I added the Goblin Shaman on the second position, as the magic cards in the water splinter have 1 or 3 health. With this I made sure, that my stealth cards could kill all magic users with 1 hit.
(Oh those nails on his toes... I loose my wish to live just looking at them)

And now our stealth team:
Kobold Miner for 2 damage.

And our heroine Elven Cutthroat:

The enemy surprised me with it's lineup. Looked like the Unprotected ruleset was not taken into consideration. Due to this I could kill the team fast and efficiently. I was a bit surprised how easily Torhilo to Frozen fell.

Link on the fight:


You can find the Battle Weekly Challenge here:

That's all folks!

PS: For those who are new to the game here is my referral link:
Feel free to reach out for me in case you need help, I'm happy to provide you 50 DEC when you start the game or delegate a Venari Wavesmith for your first season, so you can rank up your winnings and get some DEC.

PS2: In case you want more, here is a great fight where Equalizer is optimally used with a Stealth team. Backbone of the whole is of course my Sand worm and Djinn Chwala.
