Hunting the weak!!!

Black Classic The Dark Places Youtube Thumbnail (2).png

what's up Splinter Player around the world how are you doing? I am sharing my battle this time in new format of battle challenge that discussion about what if we cannot using neutral element monster in battle with Taking Sides ruleset. After you know that you cannot using neutral units,then just forget the neutral units and carry on with the element units. And here i want to sharing my battle using my own account. Using Water element combined with Legendary Summoner Possibilus The Wise. There is no need to using neutral units at all you can still winning the battle.



Taking Side ruleset description is No neutral units may be used. So basically we just depends on the elements only without using any neutral monsters. As i said before some of Neutral monster is having very crutial benefits in battle. But, if you are getting used with this gameplay i think without neutral monster will not give any hard battle. Maybe if you are too much depending with Lux Vega or Dr Blight you will feel the battle and the arrangement harder than usual because of this ruleset. But overall i think without using neutral monster is not a big problem. And here i can share you my battle using water element this time.


Strategy Phase

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As you can see in the picture above this battle have 2 ruleset. The first ruleset is Unprotected that means all monster units will losing armor and neither summoner or monster can give armor buff at all. The second ruleset is Taking Sides that means both players cannot using neutral monster units. The manacap that can be used is just 39 which is still a bit low mana that can be utilized but it is good amount of manacap, The element that cannot be used in this battle is Fire element and Earth element. And in this battle that i want to share is i am using Water element. Hopefully i am encountered with human player not helper player. Because no matter how you arrange the strategy it will be beaten down by helper. Not only for the strategy the RNG will make you lose too. I am starting lazy and bored with the bad RNG and helper think. So lets go to my strategy shall we, you can check my strategy in the table below

Summoner+2 Health Trample & Reach Ability to all team matesI am using Possibilus because this summoner is somehow make the melee monster in water element elevated because the trample ability and reach ability that given by this summoner. And every kill of my melee monster it will gives additional damage to the next monster units in opponent side.
Frontline Tanker I am still using Diemonshark as a frontline tanker because this monster units having pretty good Health amount that can holding some of opponent melee or range damage. Not only that if the enrage ability activated this monster will be having buff almost 2x stronger. That makes melee and speed got buff. And with that buff from enrage it will be easy to defeat opponent frontline tanker.
Second layer TankerI am placing Demented Shark in second line up because this melee monster having pretty good status for both tanker and attacker with buff ability that can make all my melee team mate will getting melee attack buff from Inspire ability. Not only that because Possibilus giving reach ability so this monster still can attack opponent frontline tanker.
Main AttackerUsing Deeplurker combined with Possibilus is still good combination with opportunity ability that will hunting opponent lowest Health in opponent side and if this monster succed killing opponent monster it will continue attacking monster in the next line up due the trample ability that Possibilus given.
AttackerBringing Feasting Seaweed is pretty good idea this time so if my Deeplurker cannot defeated opponent that lowest HP in the first time it will be followed by Feasting Seaweed since this monster having opportunity ability too. But, as far as that i know this monster often missing attacking opponent. Even the speed different is just 1 speed only. But hopefully this monster will literally helping in this battle.
AttackerAzmare Harpoonist is pretty good range monster that having 4 range damage, So i need using this monster because if only that opponent bringing monster that having demoralize ability, this monster range attack will helping to gives some amount damage to opponent monster.
Back Attacker Pelacor Bandit is pretty great monster that having pretty good melee attack and with sneak ability, this monster will split the damage to frontline and backline. Don't forget with this monster flying ability too,this monster can having high chance to dodge opponent melee attack that attacking from behind.

So this is my strategy hoping this strategy working properly and not be cheated by RNG that often my monster will miss attacking opponent. With this balancing team i think it will be hard to take my team down. But, who knows that i will attacking human or helper users. since often that opponent will keep countering my strategy. It is strange but thats the fact, i dont know it is just me feeling that almost player that countering my stratgy is a helper users. But, maybe i am wrong it is just coincedence.




This time i am encountered with Kelya as opponent summoner. Now wonder that i encountered with Kelya this time since Water element still pretty good for many ruleset in silver modern league.So lets see who will wins this battle the Legendary Possibilus or Kelya since both player gets unprotected by the armor.

Round 1

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As usual in round 1 both player get buff and debuff from both summoners and monsters.
In my team got 2 Health buff from my summoner Possibilus The Wise also got Trample and reach ability to all my team mates monsters. Then my team got 1 Melee buff from my Demented Shark ability inspire. In opponent side since the ruleset is Unprotected so Kelya will not giving any armor buff only giving 1 Speed buff to all opponent monster.

After got buff and debuff then the battle started and opponent Djinn Oshannus attacking first to my Diemonshark and activated Diemonshark Enrage, then my Diemonshark attacking back to Djinn Oshannus and giving 6 damage and yet Djinn Oshannus still can holding my Damage. Then opponent Axemaster attacking my Diemonshark twice but only 1 attack that can get hit. Following by Opponent Flying Squid to my Diemonshark and beaten by opponent Merdhampir. After that that my team turn to attacking opponent line up.My Deeplurker attacking and defeating opponent Merdaali Guardian than it will activated trample ability make defeated opponent Axemaster too.2 birds in just one stone. I like that. Okay what makes me still mad is why my Azmares still missing attacking Djin Oshannus while opponent hit almost all attack to my Diemonshark. It is still not fair with this bullhist RNG. very very not good with this bullshit RNG. After that my Feasting Seaweed beating up opponent Merdhampir and with that it make opponent losing half of opponent army.

Round 2

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After opponent losing half of their power still Djinn Oshanuss attacking first in round 2 then following by opponent Deeplurker attacking my Feasting Seaweed then the last Flying Squid attacking my Demented Shark. Then this time my team attacking back. Opponent Deeplurker defeated by my Deeplurker attack and once again missing missing again attacking Djinn Oshannus. what the fuck with the RNG. this is bullshit. really. thats very strange the speed different is not much at all just 2 and 3 speed different yet it is almost same with opponent speed and my Diemonshark in round 1. and why opponent attack almost hit and mine not.

Round 3

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The opponent still can give fight back even though they just leaving by 2 monster and still can beat my Demented Shark. But it not too long, my Deeplurker still frightening and attacking opponent Djinn Oshannus and following by trample ability that give great damage to opponent Flying Squid, then following by my Pelacor Bandit attack and finishing by my Azmare harpoonist attack that defeated opponent Flying Squid make me win this battle.

If you want to look it in video you can watch in there and dont forget to subscribe like and share the video

or if this video cannot be played you can watch in game battle in link bellow

Hunting The Weak



From this battle i can learning that yeah we cannot underestimated Legnedary Summoners. Legendary Summoers is still Overpowered. I think using Rare Summoner or Epic Summoner will be hard to beat Legendary Summoner. But, it is not impossible though. but just hard to find the weakness. Especially we cannot see who playing it right now. And once again Helper you suck!!! and RNG you suck!!! from this battle and many many battle you can see that the RNG is suck and cheat at least for me. Why i am very bad at RNG. having many miss to attacking opponent monster even the speed different is just 1. And yet opponent almost never miss attacking my monster when the speed different is just 1 or 2. Why is that?? It is juts coincedence or it is because the opponent using Helper? And once again, the RNG very very sucks especially after xbot and helper can be used. seriously. Thats why i am still thinking that many people battle in modern still using helper, maybe private helper. But yeah dev is does not care about this anymore i think.And if you want to using Possibilus i am very recomended to rent or buy guys. this summoner is very badass. combined with both Deeplurker or even Coastal Sentry that can attacking twice is pretty fascinating to look.


In the end I am very thankfull for the reader that read my content hope you all enjoying this content, don't forget to upvote and leave comments. If you are interested in starting this game and don't have an account yet, you can use my referrals:

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All images taken from Splinterlands website


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Keep it up bro 👍 !PGM


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