The Magical Adelade Brightwing with Martyr Effect

Black Classic The Dark Places Youtube Thumbnail (3).gif

Heyyy yooooo
what's up Splinter Player around the world how are you doing? I want to share my battle using my scholar account in Balthazar Guild and this time i am playing in Gold Modern Format League. And in this content i will sharing that in Fire & Regret ruleset, i think it is better that we are not bringing any range monster in the battlefield because it will be very harmfull to our strategy line up. Especially when the crutial monster got defeated by its own back attack after attacking opponent and the opponent not defeated. It will be hurt and really shamefull. So, instead i am thinking how to make my Range monster can hold as much as possible, i am just not bringing them into battlefield and using Magic or melee type attack only.



Okay since you guys know that the ruleset is Broken Arrows lets knowing this ruleset a little bit deeper.This ruleset description is

All units receive the Return Fire ability at the start of the battle. Enemy units that attack with ranged attacks receive damage back.
Damage returned is equal to damage of the attacker divided by 2, rounded up.
Ranged attack units with the Reflection Shield ability do not take damage from reflected magic attacks.
The Amplify ability increases damage.

After reading the description, i still think that not bringing any range monster type attack is much better to our line up formation. Except we have some looping system that cannot be broken even getting damage from the back damage. So, this time i am using Magic type attack with combination Melee type attack. Let see how i arrange my strategy in Strategy Phase


Strategy Phase

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As you can see in the picture above this battle just have 2 ruleset only. The first ruleset is Earthquake that means all non flying units will get 2 damage each turn and hit the armor first before hit the health, the second ruleset is Fire and Regrets that means all monster in battlefield having Return Fire ability that can give back damage to range monster after attack. The manacap that can be used in this battle is 40 which is pretty average. And the element that cannot be used in this battle is Earth and Dragon element. Usually i will pick and choose Earth element combined with Immortalis to handle the magic type monster. But, in this battle Earth element cannot be used thats why i am using Life element. And what good is Life element having plenty of flying monster units. So, lets see my arrangement in this battle by looking in the table below

Summoner+1 Armor Void Armor and Amplify abilityEarth element cannot be used in this battle so, the best summoner for holding magic type attack will be Grandmaster Rathe with Life element. And its good since the other ruleset is Earthquake so in life element there are plenty of monster that having pretty good status also having flying ability. Thats why i am pick the life element with Grandmaster Rathe as summoner
Frontline Tanker I am using Imperial Knight as frontline tanker because this unit having heal ability that can be a pretty good tanker in my line up. This unit can holding any magic damage with the armor that its have and having magic reflect ability if opponent using magic type attack.
Support Attacker I am bringing Adelade Brightwing because this legendary unit is pretty good for this line up, having flying ability that will immune to Earthquake ruleset. Then this unit also having repair ability that can be veru usefull to my Imperial Knight as a tank to get repaired and can holding opponent attack. And with resurrect ability this unit can bring one unit that died to alive again. And this unit also cannot get debuff effect because having immunity ability. And my team will get speed buff by swiftness ability from this unit ability.
Taunt Tanker I am using Iziar as a tanker and also buff for the adjacent units if this unit died. And it will make my adjacent units can be stronger than before and can deal more damage to opponent line up. Also this monster having high amount of health that can survive in many attack from opponent line up. Hopefully that opponent did not bringing any monster unit that having fury ability.
Backline Attacker I am using Stitch Leech because i need combine the melee type attack and magic type attack. Usually people will bringing the overpowered monster units as a frontline tanker thats why i need to bring monster that can give damage from backline. Thats why i am bringing this unit and get flanking Iziar to get some martyr effect too.
Debuff Support I need to make sure that my team is faster than opponent line up, thats why i am bringing this unit to gives opponent Slow effect. Also this monster having rust ability that can make opponent line up losing 2 armor. And it will make my melee type attack monster will easily to hit directly to opponent line up monster health.
Attacker I think i still need to bring flying monster unit in my line up. Thats why i am bringing this monster in my line up. Also the manacap left after bringing all high mana monster is just 2 mana left, And only this monster is suitable as the last monster for my line up team. This monster also having pretty good ability that can hunting down the lowest health monster in opponent line up with opportunity ability and this monster cannot missed any attack because having true strike ability.

So, this is my line up. I think this line up is very common and many player using it. flanking Iziar as taunt tanker with martyr ability and bringing adelade Brightwing as a support for frontline tanker also this monster can bring alive Iziar again after got beaten.And it will make the adjacent unit will get boost twice.




This time i am encountered with player that using Kelya Frendul as Summoner. I am very rare that in Fire and Regrets ruleset using Kelya. Even though there is many melee monster units in Water element. But, this is very rare. So, lets see what opponent bring in this battle.

Round 1

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As usual in round 1 both parties got buff and debuff from both summoners and monster. In this battle my team got.

  • 1 Additional Armor from my Summoner Grandmaster Rathe
  • Void Armor and Amplify ability from my Summoner Grandmaster Rathe
  • 1 Additional speed from my Adelade Brightwing ability swiftness
  • 1 Melee Attack Debuff from opponent Deeplurker ability Demoralize
  • 1 Magic Attack Debuff from opponent Angelic Mandari ability Silence

In opponent team got

  • 1 Additional Speed from opponent Summoner Kelya Frendul
  • 1 Additional Armor from opponent Summoner Kelya Frendul
  • 1 Speed debuff from my Time Mage ability Slow
  • 2 Armor debuff from my Time Mage ability Rust

In this battle i feels like weird of the opponent line up. How opponent knowing that i will attacking from behind?
I am still curious with the opponent team line up. So after buff and debuff the battle started right away. And the first attacker is my Time Mage directly hit opponent Diemonshark health and make Diemonshark activate the enrage ability. Then opponent Diemonshark attacking my Imperial Knight and just hit the armor. Then opponent Pelacor Bandit attacking my Iziar and break the armor and then opponent Djinn Oshannus attacking my Iziar too. Then my Celestial Harpy attacking opponent Gargoya Devil and break the armor, following by my Iziar attacking opponent Diemondshark then opponent Angelic Mandarin attacking my Iziar and get backfire damage from return fire ability. Then my Imperial Knight attacking Diemonshark and just hit the armor. Then my Stitch Leech attacking opponent Djinn Oshannus and leeching the health and then opponent Deeplurker attacking my Iziar. Fortunately my Iziar did not get poison effect. Then opponent Gargoya Devil attacking my Iziar and get backfire damage too. And the last is my Adelade Brightwing repair my Imperial Knight Armor and hit opponent Diemonshark.

Round 2 Part 1

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Before entering round 2 the Earthquake ruleset giving damage to all non flying ability monster units, and in my team my Imperial Knight,Iziar,Stitch leech,and Time Mage got hit. In opponent line up Diemonshark,Deeplurker,Angelic Mandarin,and Djinn Oshannus get hit by Earthquake damage. And my Iziar fainted due the Earthquake and got resurrected by my Adelade Brightwing. And while die its also activate the Martyr effect that gives my Adelade Brightwing and Stitch Leech buff. Then the battle started. The first attacker goes to my Time Mage attacking opponent Diemonshark and then opponent Diemonshark break my Imperial Knight Armor. Then opponent Pelacor Bandit break my Iziar armor and once again my Iziar beaten by opponent Djinn Oshannus.

Round 2 Part 2

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After my Iziar got beaten by opponent Djinn Oshannus then Iziar activated the martyr ability again and make my Adelade Brightwing and Stitch Leech stronger right now. Then this time my Stitch Leech just giving opponent Djinn Oshannus 1 damage by Forcefield ability. Then my Celestial Harpy attacking opponent Gargoya Devil since Gargoya Devil is the lowest health in opponent line up. Then my Adelade Brightwing repairing my Imperial Knight armor and defeated opponent Diemonshark and then opponent Angelic Mandarin attacking my Imperial Knight and get backfire damage, Then opponent Deeplurker attacking my Imperial Knight and gives huge damage also Poison effect status. Then opponent Gargoya Devil attacking my Imperial Knight and got backfire damage and defeated by itself attack.

Round 3

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Same as before before entering round 3 the Earthquake gives 2 damage to all non flying units in this battlefield. In my line up Imperial Knight, Stitch Leech,and Time Mage that got damage, in opponent line up Deeplurker,Angelic Mandarin, and Djinn Oshannus that get Earthquake damage. And after got Earthquake my Imperial Knight got poison damage to and fainted. And in opponent line up Deeplurker and Angelic Mandarin fainted due Earthquake.Then the first attacker still my Time Mage that gives damage to opponent Pelacor Bandit and then countered by opponent Pelacor Bandit attacking my Adelade Brightwing and just hit the armor. Then my Stitch Leech still gives 1 damage to opponent Djinn Oshannus. Then opponent Djinn Oshannus gives damage to my Adelade Brightwing and this time directly hit becuase the armor got broken by opponent Pelacor Bandit. Then my Celestial Harpy defeated opponent Pelacor Bandit. And the last is my Adelade Brightwing hitting opponent Djinn Oshannus but still cannot defeated Djinn Oshannus in this round.

Round 4

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Before entering round 4 the Earthquake still hitting the non Flying monstr unit. and this time my Time Mage fainted due the Earthquake damage and opponent Djinn Oshannus got hit by Earthquake as well. Then opponent Djinn Oshannus attacking first and hit my Adelade Brightwing armor and then my Stitch Leech break opponent Djinn Oshannus armor. Then my Adelade Brightwing ended the battle by defeated opponent Djinn Oshannus.

If you want to look it in video you can watch in there and dont forget to subscribe like and share the video

or if this video cannot be played you can watch in game battle in link bellow

The Magical Adelade Brightwing with Martyr Effect



After experiencing this battle i can say that not bringing any range monster in Fire & Regrets ruleset battle is also great choices. But, sometimes maybe you opponent will thought like that and preparing the counter for Magic and Melee type attack monster. And in this battle i dont know from where opponent can see my strategy. The opponent preparing the high attack from behind and preparing the forcefield ability monster for the backline. Thats make my Stitch Leech useless in this battle. Also opponent seems prepared with silencing my Magic Type attack with Angelic Mandarin ability silence. But, opponent forgot that Return Fire ability can make all range monster will be like idiot that got backfire after attacking. Like in the battle above that opponent Gargoya Devil died by itself attack. It will be very crutial of the balanced line up. And with that will make our line up break and down one by one. So, i think not bringing any Range monster can work in this ruleset battle.


In the end I am very thankfull for the reader that read my content hope you all enjoying this content, don't forget to upvote and leave comments. If you are interested in starting this game and don't have an account yet, you can use my referrals:

Thank you too for @arcange and all splinterlands curator that support by voting almost my content and hopefully support this one too
The wonderful divider by @kyo-gaming
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All images taken from Splinterlands website
