When The Devil Cringe !!!


Black Classic The Dark Places Youtube Thumbnail.gif

Heyyy yooooo
what's up Splinter Player around the world how are you doing? I want to share my battle using one of my own account that played in Gold League Format.And this time, I want to share even though the RNG GOD is not with me and prefer stand by in opponent team, i still can win when the devil cringe to opponent. I dont know why but i am feeling cheated here with the RNG all the time. This game RNG is really sucks. I am handle 4-5 account and all still same with the RNG. And the guild that have great RNG all the time is just around that guild. I will not tell the names of the guilds, but i think many player already know that. And in this battle even though the RNG of the opponent is really superior but with the pretty good strategy i can win this battle.



Okay since you guys know that the ruleset is Ferocity lets knowing this ruleset a little bit deeper.This ruleset description is

All healing abilities are removed.
This applies to summoners as well.
Healing abilities include Heal, Tank Heal, and Triage.

So basically in this ruleset all type of healing will be not functioned. So, we just need to sorting out how to make the good strategy using fast killer,defence using armor, or using speed. It just one support that cannot be used in this battle. So, i think it will be not to much problem. So, i think my battle can be some example of this ruleset.Lets see how i arrange my team in this battle


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As you can see in the picture above this battle have 3 ruleset.The first ruleset is Healing Out that means all monster and summoner cannot using heal ability. The second ruleset is Lost Magic that means both player cannot using any magic type attack monster. The last but not least is Odds One out that means both player can only use odd mana cost monster in line up strategy. Manacap that can be used in this battle is 55 which is pretty huge amount. And the element that cannot be used in this battle is Fire and Death Element. So we still have many choice for element that we can use in this battle.But, the battle will be fierce. And lets see what i am arrange this time,you can see in the table below

Summoner-1 Range Attack -1 SpeedI am using Dragon element because dragon element having bonus and chance to adding much choice to our line up. Also i am afraid that opponent will bringing range monster. Thats why i am using Quix as preventif.
Frontline Tanker In Odds Monster mana cost, i think using this monster as frontline tanker is pretty good. This monster having pretty good abilities that can support our team. The first ability is Void Armor. Even though in this battle cannot using any magic type attack, but the armor of this monster is really needed to block any range and melee monster attack. And the second abilities is Giant Killer that can gives double damage to opponent that costing 10 mana above. The third is Demoralized ability that can reduce opponent melee monster type attack. and the last is deathblow that can gives double damage if the opponent is just standing alone.
Second Tanker & Attacker I am bringing this monster because this monster is really fit to be a second tanker,also this monster still can attack even though placed in second place due the reach ability. And this monster also having double strike that can attacking twice to opponent frontline tanker. And this monster having shield ability that very useful in this battle since both player cannot using magic type attack. So, range and melee attack damage will be reduced with shield ability.
SupportI am bringing this monster because this monster having very usefull ability that is rust that can reduce all opponent line up armor by 2. That will be very usefull for my team to get directly attacking opponent health faster.
Debuff Support I am bringing this monster because i still need to reducing opponent melee monster that can be very harmful to my team line up. And utilize this monster demoralize ability is pretty good. Also if this monster get attacked, it will have chance to countering attack by retaliate ability. But for melee only. And if this monster succed defeated opponent it will trigger the trample ability.
Support & Attacker Swamp Spitter is pretty usefull in this battle so, i can playing armor gameplay in this battle. The armor repair will make my tanker will get additional 2 bonus armor each turn by repair ability. Also this monster have giant killer ability that can deal double damage to opponent that having manacost above 10.
Attacker I am bringing Runice Skyclaw because i am preparing if the opponent using harsh and strong tanker in opponent line up, this monster will destroy and attacking any range attack from second line up and leaving alone the tanker and will destroy the others attacker and support first. Also this monster having flying ability and have high speed too. Thats why if opponent attacking from behind this monster having high chance to dodge. Again, this monster is having Giant killer ability that can make double the attack to monster that having 10 above manacost.

So, this is my line up. I dont think my line up perfect. Sometimes i dont even know why i am arranging like this. And i think it will be very hard to defeat opponent especially lately in ranked battle is like arena for the GODS only. They having high win rate. Especially with some people with some guild that i marked. I am always lose even thoug i rent all cards. Thats why i am just renting the cheaper card right now. Because it will be no different i am renting all the pricey card and with just low price card. The results is still the same, i am still lose. Okay, so lets see how the battle going this time



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As i said before that many guild that i marked that i am suspecting using cheat. And yeah this opponent guild is one of the guild that i marked. Collect evidence that player using cheat is almost impossible in this game. Since the cheat is really private. And the public is got rid as they developer said. But, the truth is never know. No proof that dev gotten rid of the cheater or bot or else. And afterall no cheater will confess that they using cheat to abusing this system right. So i am just suspecting. If you notice some of my content, around that guild that having pretty insane RNG that make me lose. If i have only just 1 or 2 every battle, i can say that is just coincedence or just my luck that bad. But, if 8 out of 10 having bad RNG is like rigged right?
Lets see how the battle going.

Round 1

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As usual in round 1 both parties got buff and debuff from both summoners and monster. In this battle my team got only blind effect from opponent Flying Squid. Okay remember guys only Blind effect that just 20% chance to miss and not staked with dodge ability and speed.
In opponent team got

    • 1 Armor,health,and speed from opponent Summoner Lux Vega
  • -2 Armor from my Noa The Just ability Rust
  • -1 Speed from my Quix the Devious ability
  • -1 Range attack from my Quix the Devious ability
  • -2 Melee attack from my Legionnaire Alvar and Disintegrator ability Demoralize

After buff and debuff stuff then the battle started. And the highlight of this round is except my Runic Skyclaw all my monster missed all attacking opponent Coerl Lurker. Luck? I dont think so, i once using Coerl Lurker and never like opponent luck. Never all opponent attack missing attacking my Coerl Lurker. So thats why i can said that yeah this opponent using cheat i guess.

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If you said that the chance is higher for Coerl Lurker to do like this, okay i think it will be fair if i am using the same tactis and having high chance miss like that right, but in the contrary i never rent Coerl Lurker because i never like this. The opponent still can hit my Coerl Lurker and almost never miss. So?? I think it is not all my fault that i suspecting opponent especially in specific guild that having RNG like that. How much percentage the possibility that make all 4 from 5 total attack missing attacking Coerl Lurker with just dodge and blind ability??
Thats why i said in all my content that dev need to fix this. I think the devs knows too that many people using script or else that can manipulate the RNG like that. But they dont even care.

Luckily opponent doest not have great monster that can gives huge damage to my frontline tanker so, in round 1 my Legionnaire Alvar still can holding and leaving with 2 armor left withouth getting direct hit to its health. But, if in round 2 my attack still missing like that, yeah i am never win this battle.

Round 2

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In round 2 my Runic Skyclaw can ended the nightmare of miss due the giant killer ability that can make double the attack if encountered with monster that having 10 or above manacost. But, the reality is nope, the nightmare of being missed is not ending. 2 of my monster that is Swamp Spitter and Legionnaire Alvar missing attacking opponent Flying Squid which is i am very rare looking that Flying Squid can dodge many attack. Especially when the speed different is just only 2-3. And yeah the opponent can make it happen with only using blind effect.

Round 3

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In round 3 my Legionnaire Alvar defeated by opponent Kulu Mastermind and make opponent melee attack will going back just reduced 1 melee attack only. And my Swamp Spitter defeated Flying Squid in this round too. Okay it should be my team will having less missing chance i guess.

Round 4

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In round 4 i though that the missing chance will really dissapear since the speed different is not to much. And i am very very very rare looking that i got missing chance when the speed different is just 1-3 speed. And in this round my Carnage Titan still missing attacking opponent Kulu Mastermind. Thats really weird. So, after looking this evidence you still not said that opponent not using cheat???
I dont think so. This is really a cheat. That can make they can have more dodge or missing chance in their line up.

Round 5

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In round 5 it is the first time i seen in this week that opponent missing attacking my Runic Skyclaw with just 2 speed different. I know this is will make me think that is just coincedence for all the missing. But, still all the missess is really odd. I am still stick with my hypotesis that this opponent especially player that from this guild need to be noticed and marked. If i have another evidence again i will share it in battle weekly content.
And in this round my Carnage Titan defeated and make my Noa The Just the last defender moving forward.And in this round too my Swamp Spitter defeated opponent Kulu Mastermind.

Round 6

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In round 6 both player still having 3 monster in both line ups. And i still dont know who will win the battle at that time.

Round 7

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In round 7 my team can beat down opponent Gargoya Devil first before my Disinegrator defeatd. So, i think i still can win this battle.

Round 8

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Unfortunately the battle is very long, my team still have many misses. This time my Disintegrator missing attacking opponent Swamp Spitter.

Round 9

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Okay in round 9, once again my Disintegrator missing attacking opponent Swamp Spitter. How can my RNG is very bad like that right??
Thats very odd.

Round 10-12

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Finally in Round 10 i can beat opponent Swamp Spitter and make Coastal Nymph going to frontline and cannot attacking adn in round 12 my team can defeated opponent line up.

So, finally my strategy can defeat the cheater, or maybe the GOD of RNG that stand by in opponent team this time.

If you want to look it in video you can watch in there and dont forget to subscribe like and share the video

or if this video cannot be played you can watch in game battle in link bellow

When The Devil Cringe !!!



After seeing so much battle like that, maybe this is one or two times i can win againts player that having really great RNG like that or i can say that using cheat like that. And thats why i want to share to you guys. Please, dont using cheat or script like that, that is not necessary. Really for just few cent ruined the goog games and for what? what the purpose of using something like that?
I think it is better when the battle is fair and square i think. It will have more fun than the one sided RNG like this. And for the dev team considered it if you are reading my content.


In the end I am very thankfull for the reader that read my content hope you all enjoying this content, don't forget to upvote and leave comments. If you are interested in starting this game and don't have an account yet, you can use my referrals:

Thank you too for @arcange and all splinterlands curator that support by voting almost my content and hopefully support this one too
The wonderful divider by @kyo-gaming
Thumbnail created using canva
All images taken from Splinterlands website


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