RE: GLX exploit is a steep learning curve


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i wish he really thought about how much of a impact it has had before he went not only just exploiting but likely causing a temp decline and many ppl selling out of the project whihc pushes fmvs down further letting him accumulate from the fear right now during the drop which when the game comes out likely will stop and all of the sudden fly and what ppl can do is make sure not to buy anything from him, dont use there services and also downvote until were satisfied hes paid enough for the damages caused not by doing anyhting but by not doing things and making sure we exact a punishment of downvotes for it and anyone else as a warning to future abuse. THis could be used as a example and hit him hard with a punisghment and make sure its posted with a summary in a tab that has a list of ppl who have been involed in exploits like that and details how much they damanged the games and how much punishment was enacted as well as detialed reports on exxactly the facts and all the info ppl need to be part of the abuse deterance. That is a completely ok way to do it bc if we can then most of the community will need to agree and if they do which anyone who really didnt exploit will have prob no issue doing this bc only one its beetter for is him and why should he get rewarded he shouuld be punished but by other methods like above and the sentance should be set by anyone who is willing to delegate power to ensure this gets punished by extracting income another way form them unitil the amount set is hit making sure they pay a hefty price for it and if i can get downvoted for bs stuff someone who exploits should be a no brainer to just make a example out of which would likelu help restore confidence as ppl will see what happened to that person and that it cost them much more than the exploit was worth so others will not do it if they see the community would rip anyone who did apart and even we can stop buying any assets hes trying to sell so we disrupt his ability to liquidate unless he drops the price so far where there will be a loss which allows ppl to exploit him only or ppl that do such things as long as the community really stops interacting and goes into a punishment mode unitil the amount the gorup decides is extracted by those means. Then the punishment will be advertised and show any exploit hope one is enough if we set a example of zero tolerance and swift and steep costs then ppl wont do it if they have other things that the community can do which is why im so shocked he did it he has so much to lose but unless someone organizes the group hell just get away with it no punishment and leaves the community looking less strong than it can be and if we have steep punishments for that in place by impacting them so much that they would not think of doing it agian as such actions would cost them more and more money expacially if done a second time the cost would incerase 10 fold and after that if a third the person wiould never get let up on and there business never used if it was a perfect world and ppl actually could come together and i hope ppl do and make sure that were able to check ppl who think there above the rest which will stop any other forms of abuse like banning me form a guild bc he could bc he is high in ygg he uses that as a retaliation tool and braged to me that i was banned directly because of him and his dislike lol So he really thinks he can just get away with that maybe for now but when he least exxpacts it i will do something to make sure at least the right ppl in ygg hear it after i make a large investment and maybe if i do that and depending on the capital then possibly could influence ygg and make a preferreed service provider for ygg members and make it everyone but theres so theres is more expensive for every ygg member and the others offer discounts so there more attactive and if they want to com0pete they will beforeced to lower prices and lose money that way to.

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