Conqueror Jacek Very Nifty For A Big Fella


Conqueror Jacek has arrived finally and he may be the best airdrop to date. The summoner has scattershot piercing and most importantly +2 speed which makes him the quickest of all the summoners. Rumour has it that the other legendary summoners are a bit concerned around getting close to a team led by Conqueror Jacek. Llama and Yodin and to a lesser extent Kitty are worried that their last man and blast abilities will be dodged which means their powers will have taken a hit. They have been the top dogs for a long time and now along comes a thorn in their side in the face of Conqueror Jacek and Grandmaster Rathe. If players use Rathe properly they can take down the others but most players are still learning how to use the Grandmaster but Conqueror Jacek is a gamechanger. Take Fineas Rage for example. He has a 6 speed at level 5. Combine him with Jacek and he has an 8 speed. Throw in a level 5 supply runner and now you have a 9 speed. It doesn't matter who you are up against, if you cannot hit your opponent then you cannot hurt him. I predict Elemental Phoenix is going to get even more expensive with its 5 speed at level 1.

So if you look at Jacek as a man, he's a big bastard full of muscles so you would not think he would add +2 speed to the mix. Is he on steroids or even Compound V (for all you Boyz fans)?? Nobody really likes scattershot because as a player you organise your team to have snipe and sneak attackers. Scattershot adds more chaos which does not suit most of us but it does add an element of surprise in the higher leagues. Jacek will be used in melee attack rulesets rather than magic and range attacks. The piercing does add yet another nice little ability especially for Grum Fireblade who will not have a decent speed as a massive tank.
Spare a thought for poor old Qid Yuff and Pyre as their popularity as summoners have come to an end in high mana battles.

cute (1).png

I like the fire splinter. No bullshit, no shields, just attack attack attack so for my gameplay Conqueror Jacek will come in really handy as it will increase my dodge. I use Finias and Tenyii Striker quite a bit so Conqueror will be a godsend for me and it will really make the Fire Splinter much stronger especially against the water splinter who regularly get the better of Fire. I would love to see the win percentages between these two Splinter groups. Anyway of getting these??
What is nearly better than making the quick even quicker is making the slow monsters not slow. Grum and Lava Launcher , Pit Ogre, Forgotten One. All these cards have new meaning now and can be used more rather than in the reverse speed ruleset so many cards have a new lease of life. The Forgotten One has just gotten really interesting.
I is amazing how one card can change a Splinter group so much. @infidel1258 mentions in his youtube videos, which are excellent by the way, that some summoners are meta changing and he believes that Conqueror Jacek is one of the best summoners in the entire game already. I tend to agree with him about this. Jacek is going to be huge.

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Man, 360 packs under the belt, and hardly any airdrops at all for a brotha. Not this one for a duck, next time....better luck. Looks sweet tho, ive already got beat by one.


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you and me both buddy. I had to sell my grandmaster for Jacek. Gonna try and get him to level 2 before he goes mad in value because he will be a huge card


Hopefully more Splinterlands cards will increase in value in the near future. The rental income decreased a lot in the recent past. Currently the automatic Splinterlands card renting with is not even worth it (currently it provides 15.70% yearly ROA). It was very good in the previous few weeks (around 40-60% yearly ROA), but it decreased a lot in the previous few days. My daily income with the automatic card renting went down from 180.72 DEC to 82.51 DEC in the previous four days. And it was even higher (around 200-300 DEC per day) in the previous few weeks. Sometimes it was even a little bit more than 300 DEC per day. So the percentage of this passive income is fluctuating a lot.


Dam bro, it does look like a good one. Lets get that brawl started, i gotta put my battles in.


😂😂tge guy dies look dope or at least his on it
