Splinterlands Player Rushes to Get Seasons Ends Pack Opening Post Up Like His Life Depends on It

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A Splinterland's user was under pressure yesterday after the season ended on Splinterlands. User @betasquad was stressed out of his head while he clipped photos and edited videos of his end of season pack opening so he could post them on Hive for everybody to see. @betasquad was so busy getting the post together than he forgot o feed his dog Raffles and his wife ate him.
It's so important that people see the 130 chests I opened," claims @betasquad as he edits his video of him opening the treasure chests one by one. "I need the post to go out for my streaming fans!"

"People need to know what packs I opened" he went on

This season however all @betasquad pulled were potions merits and small amounts of SPS which he was really disappointed with but put on a straight face for the camera as to not bring down the Splinterlands brand.

"But the good news is I lived streamed my end of season pack opening for the first time which is a step forward in my pack opening journey.

"I was hoping for a gold foil legendary but they only come up once in a blue moon but my users still have their fix knowing what I got in my chests. I received a number of comments saying nice pull which is great. My users are really engaging"

However one Hive user @dailythoughts1 that hates Splinterlands stays off Hive for a couple of days every two weeks for the sole reason that she hates posts around end of season pack openings.

"Yes Splinterlands fans like to tell you what jpeg they pulled in their end of season rewards but the question is what weirdo is looking forward for that post to come out? Who reads them? Why would anyone get pleasure out of @betasquad opening 130 chests??? What planet are they on? The fact that I know @betasquad has pulled a Pelacor Mercenary makes no odds to me whatsoever. Fair enough with the fans who talk strategy and good combination plays, tokenomics etc. These guys are the business but opening a pack?? It's extracting the urine on the whole Hive reward system.

@betasquad does not agree however as he said he gets lots of good feedback on his treasure chest openings by the user.
"Yeah that naysayer can go shit in her hat," replied @betasquadron.
"I read her daily thoughts and she spends 1000 words saying sweet fuck all so one can claim she is raping the reward pool as well!!"
"I think the pack opening are good content and so do my followers as there has been no negative comments so far."
"I was thinking of expanding and doing a daily rewards video or to even delve into brawl rewards so I could post on 3speak twice daily. That is the dream anyway and I was thinking of going full time at it but my wife thinks it is not stable money coming in and insists I keep my job. ."

"Some people write about DEC and SPS but that ain't for me man and either is game strategy or new abilities. Nope the pack opening is my niche and that is what I am into. Hive users love them and judging by the Splinterlands community timeline, everyone is doing them and this is why I am in a rush so I can be the first to publish or get lost in the sea of pack openings.

Disclaimer : This post has been made 1 day after the end of season so the Hive user may run into many pack opening posts while reading this article.


The viewers, they have the right to know. Great post
