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Hello friends!
One more daily focus is over, this time that is DRAGON focus. I got only 4 loot chests, because i lose so many games. I have good teams, good tactics, but like always this game make hard troll in battles and i lose several games on same way. I have better speed from enemy, i have evasion, and enemy hit me every round with archers or meele attackers. Many games lose versus DR.Blight, because they poison me 100%, and my dr. blight need to hit enemy 10x to make poison on enemy. That is total unfer. Also URAEUS poison, enemy hit me 1 time and always apply poison i need hit enemy 10x to apply posion. Because of that i play in rage, and i dont use brain well to make advanced tactics to win battles so i make many mistakes, like forgot to put 1 or 0 mana card or in poison battle forget to use cleanse and dispel.

Pozdrav društvo!
Zadnjih par dana igrao sam previše pa mi je DEC capture rate vrlo nizak, a i jako loše igram, gubim mnogo bitke i nerviram se jako. Izgubim dobijen gejm i onda se iznerviram i izgubim još 3 gejma zbog nekih sitnih grešaka. Protivnik me pogađa sa strelama 100% moje strele uvek promašuju, neprijateljsi doktor blight uvek zaustavi heal i otruje mog tenka, dok moj dr. blight mora da udari 10x njegovog tenka da bi to uradio i zbog toga izgubim svaki drugi game. Takođe zbog nerviranja zaboravim koje karte da igram, pa recimo u borbama sa otrovom uzmem karte sa malo hp, zaboravim cleanse i dispel.

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Nice, 4 cards, and one is EPIC. Very nice!

Jedna rare jedna epik karta i još 2 normalne karte, nema napitaka tako da nije loše.

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If you are generous and want to support me you can DONATE crypto or NFT-s
WAX ADRESS: zxvgs.wam
BSC WALLET: 0x48B357f4C537E21F0BaeA764F16314789b9043F5

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