Splinterlands battle mage secrets: Fog of War


Hello Splinter nerds

This week's Splinterlands battle mage secret is Fog of War

It is a ruleset in which al monsters with the snipe, sneak, and opportunity lose their abilities.

The only ability that it does not affect is the scattershot... In this rule set, players often come up with powerful monsters or strong defenders, it all depends on the mana cap... low mana cap would need a strong tank but with a high mana cap, I would come up with my strongest attacks so once I eliminate the opponent tank, his formation would be vulnerable.

We were given two additional rulesets:

Melee Mayhem: This rule means all melee monsters can attack from any position and it makes the battle more complicated because I have to defend against the melee attackers.

Even Stevens: This rule means only monsters with even numbers can be used, all the odd numbers won't be available to partake in the battle which leaves players with a limited choice of monsters to use.

The 3 rules made things a bit complicated, I needed to use a strong tank that could take melee damage and still stand strong, there were two monsters on my mind, the first was Baakjira which is a strong monster and can heal but I fear it may not be able to take much melee attacks and there is also the fear of it getting afflicted so the other option was Grimbardun Smith with the Immunity and shield abilities that erase my fear.


battle link

The opponent used `Baakjira`` as his tank and used affliction and cripple monsters so If I had also used Baakjira, it won't have survived just like his own didn't, so what did I use to eliminate the threat?

My formation

Grimbardun Smith:

I used Smith instead of Baakjira because Smith gives the confidence I need, it can't be afflicted and it stands a better chance against melee attacks cos of its Shield ability, the opponent cripple attack did not work on it because of its armor, so it is the best tank I could have come up with and he saved the team.

Goblin Psychic

Goblin was the healer I used just in case the opponent's attacks seemed to be too strong from Smith but that was not the case, the opponent was killed by goblin so they had no effect on Smith and the two-range attack he used could not penetrate Smith armor either.

Acid Shooter

I used the Acid shooter to eliminate any rear threat in case my monsters ain't strong enough to kill the opponent tank, the poison helped In taking down some of the opponent monsters.

Kei & Vruz

Kei and Vruz were my 2 main melee attackers, Kei can reduce the opponent's melee power by -1 and it also has the ambush ability which allows him to attack twice in round 1, Vruz has the martyr ability and if it dies, the adjacent monsters to it will benefit from it because all their stats will increase by 1.

My last monster was Fungus Fiend a zero mana monster with a slow ability and I used it to fill up the void...

It was a flawless victory but it won't have been possible without Acid shooter that disorganize the opponent rear formation.

if you want to be a part of this week's Splinterlands Battle mage secrets, you can join from here

All pictures are gotten from Splinterlands lore and game

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

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Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


People are not liking this new update, I have seen many people's post, the team will have to think again about this decision.


well, the only thing I don't like is how the site is buggy now, takes time for the team to load which often results in flees. Sl needs to fix that, but what are the updates others don't like? cos we have had many updates in the recent weeks


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I'm one of those people who feels that the lux Vega is really overrated for how much it cost. Good win, it felt like you were never going to eliminate that Baakjira.


Uhm I don't think it is overrated. for a while it was the most used summoner in modern league until Rebellion Monsters changes the game.

I knew I was going to win immediately I saw his line up cos no way he could take down my smith, and all i need is time to take down his healer with my monster with the scatter shot ability and victory achieved


Maybe it's because of the cards though, I just think the abilities of offers to summoners do not really cut it for me as a player, considering it costs about 400$ or so. Good win for you man, good win
