Splinterlands battle mage secrets : Super sneak

Hello splinter Nerds


This week's Splinter Lands battlemage secret is Super Sneak

It is a rule set that gives all the melee monsters the sneak ability, they would be able to attack the opponent from the back and this ability tends to render opportunity ability useless because they will follow the rules which is all melee monsters attack the monster at the back unless the opponent uses a monster with the `taunt`` ability in another position.

There were two other rulesets added to the battle I am about to show:


The first is Explosive Weaponry which gives the blast ability to all monsters, this rule defines chaos and if one is not careful with selecting a team, he would lose all his monsters to the blast coming from the opponent, the second ruleset was Lost Magic which means no magic monsters are available to be used!

battle link

Based on the rule set, my mind was on one monster in the death splinter which you will get to know soon, so I chose the death splinter using Astral entity with the -2 armor, dodge, and resurrect stats to summon the monsters.


Cursed Slimeball

This was the first monster on my team and I placed it at the front position cos of its redemption ability, if it happened to be the first monster to die, it would be resurrected by my summoner and the opponent would suffer another redemption damage.

Shadowy Presence

This is a nonattacking monster with some nice abilities, it can give +1 health to all the monsters in its team and also give +1 melee attack to all the melee monsters in its team

Weirding Warrior

The devil itself, this monster has the amplify ability which does double damage to the monster when it hits a monster that has a reflect, it could be magic reflect, fire return, or thorn, I used it and placed a monster with thorn as my last card to counter the super sneak ruleset.

Undead Badger

The badger has a sneak ability already so I used it cos of its low mana which is 2 and it has a good speed, I believe it will do great especially if the opponent didn't use a monster with thorns as his last monster.

Venator Kinjo

The monster that can not be attacked from the rear position unless he is at the front position or the only monster left in the team, also possesses an amplify ability hence in case the weirding warrior dies, he can continue the legacy, I also use it because of its reflection shield, I need to protect my rear from the blast rule set!

Ever-Hungry Skull

This is the monster that made me use the death splinter, it is the new model of the old enchanted defender, it has one health but a lot of armor to protect it, it also has a thorns ability so melee monsters have a hard time defeating it but very vulnerable to magic monsters, it has fire return and a flying ability too, so range monsters also suffer some damage whenever they attack it. so it is a better version of the enchanted defender, I use it cos of the super sneak rule, and with the amplify monster, the opponent going to suffer a lot of damage and it was exactly as I predicted.

if you want to be a part of this week's Splinterlands Battle mage secrets, you can join from here

All pictures are gotten from Splinterlands lore and game

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker, and crypto enthusiast

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God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

Posted using Neoxian City


Cards are available to everyone and everyone can buy them, but the person who knows how to use the card at the right time wins the most.
