RE: Getting owned by missing a ton in my battles...


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Each point of speed diference between monsters give a 10% evasion chance, if a monster with 5 speed is attacked by one with 1 speed this will have a 40% chance to dodge the attack, there is also an evasion ability that give a 25% chance to avoid attacks also there is a debuff named blind that increases a unit chance to miss by 15% all abilities and the speed can stack together and make a unit reach a 100% chance to evade an attack against another monster, Magic attacks does not miss as long as the enemy monster does not have Phase ability, there are some abilities that avoid missing attacks like reach against flying or true strike or just having equal or higher speed than the enemy except on reverse speed rule set where the lowest speed has the higher evasion.

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Sir you are frigging amaizing!!! Thank to so much for this information, I knew there was some big thing I was completely missing out on. This makes perfect sense and is really neat now that I understand the mechanics behind it.
