Updates! Updates Everywhere!



Greetings fellow humans! I've been very heads down for the last week doing my best to prepare for the tournament overhaul and I'm probably going to still be working on it for at least a few more days. I can tell you guys that tournaments are definitely going to be getting some serious shakeups to reduce exploitation and drive more value to card ownership and rentals. Hopefully everyone will have the patience to try things out for a bit before jumping to conclusions, but it is what it is. Lucky for us, I'm not ready to make that post yet, so we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

I've been meaning to make an update post about the previous proposals that have been completed to update everyone on what's been done so far. My eyes are currently screaming at me for staring at spreadsheets way too long, so I need a break from that and this seems like a productive way to take one. Let's dive in:

In Progress

SushiSwap Proposal
This has turned into a much more involved process than originally envisioned. It's made it obvious we have some work to do in preparation for expanding our DeFi offerings and I'll update you guys more on this probably next month. I need to finish tournaments before I can really dive into the LP situation, regardless, while there have been challenges, things are still moving forward and the work being done has the potential to set us up for rapid expansion in the future.

Tournament Overhaul
This one was a lot. I'm glad we've finally got a consensus path forward and I've done a lot of work in preparation to be ready to run with whichever proposal passed. I'm now further building out and refining the structures that I'll be using to build the templates going forward. At worst this will be completed before more tournaments need to be created, but realistically I'm aiming to have it all done this week. There's always the chance I find something that I'm missing, but I'm a very thorough person and I'm confident I won't have any major restarts.


There's a couple of other proposals that are more or less on hold or not picked up by the team.

  • A bot mitigation proposal by bronko that the team rejected, opting to focus on a entire ranked overhaul.
  • A leaderboard rework proposal that I created at the request of the community is on hold as there are major changes coming with the ranked overhaul. Will reassess when I know more.

I tried to keep things brief even though there was a lot of information to cover. Would you guys prefer an update every time something gets implemented or larger updates like this? Let me know in the comments and I will do my best to abide.

Thanks for your time and hopefully you'll see another (likely longer) post from me detailing the tournament overhaul in the next week. I'm looking forward to how much positive change we can create in our community this year. Until next time...


Thanks for the update and all the energy you've spent corralling us all. I think we are making progress, and that's exactly how it should be - one step at a time!!!


77 - 23 on the tournament overhaul proposal was an exceptional outcome. The bickering and the amount of effort many of us had to go through was tremendous. I have many millions of dead brain cells to prove that, as I am sure the case with Clay. I am glad it is over!

Again 77-23 is a MAJOR WIN for the community who wanted a change and wanted to stop the exploitation of the tournament reward pool. For future purposes I like to point out, 182M staked SPS voted in favor of the proposal, which is much higher than the total SPS staked by Vugtis, Brave, You and me, Dave:)


I agree 100% that the community won here AZ. I'm glad there was a nice compromise and lots of people will be thrilled with this outcome!

ps... 3.5 to 1 in the popular vote too! :)

Total For:
Total Against:
Voters For:
Voters Against:

Total Voters:


Here is another fact. If we assume everyone have a single vote...... the argument for democracy..... the vote splitting is 80-20; higher than the stake weighted oligarchy (meritocracy)


save that one, I'm sure it will come in handy in the future :D


I prefer the longer updates on a monthly, or bi-weekly basis, whatever your schedule permits. Thanks for all your help getting the tournament proposal over the finish line. I'm already looking forward to the newly weighted event prizing for the next batch of tournaments!
