Splinterland Battle Challenge: Achieving Bronze Level-II

Hello friends! Last week, I took a break from the Splinterland battle challenge and did not post anything. The reason for this was that I had set a personal goal for myself to only publish my progress in the Splinterland game after I had reached Bronze Level-II.

I am thrilled to report that I have reached this milestone! Achieving Bronze Level-II was a fantastic experience for me, as it took 400 reward points to get there, which was no simple task. Despite coming close several times, I lost many battles, causing my reward points to drop to nearly zero.

This experience helped me understand that getting to the next level takes dedication and time. But in the end, it was all worth it. I am now eager to learn new skills and refine my battle strategies, such as card ordering and analyzing my opponents' battle cards.

I credit this newfound knowledge to my friend @sanjeev021, who has been an incredible source of support and inspiration throughout my journey. I am truly thankful for his help.

To celebrate my accomplishment, I'll publish a screenshot of my Bronze Level-II achievement in the game.


Posted using Splintertalk
