Made it to Champions League! Finally. (First chests)


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I finally did it. It only took a year and a half and God only knows how much money but I broke through the 3700 rating and finally advanced to the Champions League. After knocking on the door the last two seasons, and adding a few cards to my deck over the last couple weeks, I finally get to open a few of the juiciest chests in the game.

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A couple weeks ago I had three chances to get over the hump in the final hour of the season but managed to lose all three, and then ran out of time as the season ended. This time I made it with a day to spare so I was able to have one daily focus with Champions level chests. The problem is, I did NOT want to play any more Battles and risk having my season end back in Diamond. But then I realized I could play Wild format and though I'd have to win a few battles to get enough Rewards Points, losing wouldn't matter so I could play as much as I needed.

I have rented out all of my Beta cards as I have been focusing on Modern for the past couple seasons so I didn't know how it would go. But I've got full Chaos and Riftwatcher decks so I thought I could maybe win a few battles; enough to get a chest or two at least. Little did I know...

I started out with a rating of 1571 because I played a couple Battles at the start of the season and lost (which is when I rage-rented all my Betas--lol). Gotta love the one-click Rent All button in Splex. :-) Anyway, a crazy thing happened. I won. A lot. In fact, I managed to win 40 out of 44 battles, and that's counting the two I lost at the start of the season. Not only did I manage to collect 5 Champions chests, but I made it all the way back into Diamond with a rating of 2851. Who knew? And I did it all with my Modern deck.

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So, without further ado, I'm commemorating and immortalizing my first Champion rewards by putting them on the immutable blockchain of Hive.

Here they are. Aren't they pretty? lol

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And opened...

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Immediate impact. A Legendary. Nice! I also opened the pack to get the full picture.

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Not bad. A summoner and two Rares.

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A value of $1.31 from the Chaos Pack and I fully expect that to be worth more down the road as the Obsidian should start increasing in value once the Chaos Packs are sold out in a few weeks.

Here is the rewards value given to the chests by the game:

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They value them at $4.88 but the opened Chaos Pack only ended up being worth $1.31 and they valued it at $2.41 so....overall, $3.78 for my first set of rewards. I'll take it. It's not the five-figure SPS chests or anything, but I'm thrilled to finally get the chance to open these little lottery tickets.

So now I get to spend an entire season building Champion chests for my Season Rewards, and hopefully make it back into Champion next season to get a few more Daily Rewards chests and maybe actually win my first battle in Champions League. The world is my oyster. lol

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