RE: Splinterlands To Burn 500k DEC Each Day From Rent Fees?


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I'm not sure that number is accurate. It doesn't burn one DEC per transaction. It burns one DEC per new listing. So if a card gets listed or changes it's price, there is a charge. If it just sits on the market at the same price and gets rented over and over again, there is no fee. So, in this situation, I would imagine a very large percentage of those transactions are cards that just sit at the .1 DEC price (or lower) and never move.

I'm not sure where you can find the ones that actually have a fee charged but...that's the number to look at.

In the meantime, the supply of DEC is no longer the issue. That is going to be taken care of shortly with the onset of Land surveying and staking of cards. This was done because there were getting to be way too many transactions and it was bogging down the servers and costing the team way too much to maintain them. We'll have to see how much of a difference this makes to that element of the equation.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


If there is no change in the price, there is no transaction to be recorded on chain .... cant say for sure a 100% but I think these are tx as you described them


If someone rents a card wouldn't that be a transaction that's recorded? Even if the card just got done being rented by someone else? In that case, there would be no DEC charged but I would think it would still have to be recorded as a transaction, wouldn't it?
