RE: Why Play Splinterlands?


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Looks like this was edited up, this part got me clicking to look closer lol "You just need to make an investment and cheer just like pyramid schemes." Now you are cheering it seems hehe :) I am concerned for the game as I ask about new player rewards being reinstated in AMA and get threatened to be banned from discord... AMA is ask me anything yet they treat it like a MLM meeting and just pump n cheer :) I have assets in SL so do hope they can be less greedy and push some of those 90% of rewards that go to less than 1% of players down and flip the pyramid upside down for a bit so game can grow fast again...


Oh, did they really want to ban you just for ..well.. asking at an AMA? lol
I totally agree with you! There's no reason not to use some of the rewards to improve the experience of new players.. rather than just doing daily tournaments with hundreds or thousands of dollars that go to the same players over and over again. But it's hard to convince those who don't want to be convinced.

I'm looking forward to the next gen of p2e games, where (I hope so) they will have more focus on the players and the game itself. REAL GAMES
