Adding Joy to People's Lives

The jobs we humans have will just continue to be less utilitarian in my opinion. 1000 years ago nobody would believe you if you told them that tons of people make a great living making video games, selling pet supplies, coaching sports teams, etc
What do these professions have in common? They add joy to people's lives.
If you want to prepare for the future and set yourself up nicely, I'd focus on figuring out how to add joy to people's lives. That's where the human economy is headed in my opinion

People pay to be entertained
People will have more money for discretionary expenses as the cost of labor trends toward zero.

Hobbyists will have more money to do hobbies, etc. There's tons of opportunities here in the AI/Automation future
When I was in my teens/20's I had this thing where I was obsessed with coming up with some tech idea that would change the world... but if you look at a lot of really successful people, they are obsessed with adding joy to people's lives, and the tech is what follows . The more joy you add to people's lives, the more successful you will be. I think that is a good future and is a marker of an advanced economy that utilizes automation heavily.
