I share my battle: Weekly Challenge! DEEPLURKER [ENG-ESP]


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Saludos amigos de Hive!

Greetings Hive friends!

Hoy quiero compartirles esta batalla, participando en el desafío semanal, si deseas participar solo pincha aquí.

Today I want to share with you this battle, participating in the weekly challenge, if you want to participate just click here.

Acá les dejo el enlace de la Batalla

Here is the link to the Battle



El desafío consistía en luchar con un Splinter del elemento agua, de rareza común, con la habilidad de oportunista y "DEEPLURKER" es el splinter ideal. Mi estrategía consistío en hacer formidable al mostruo tanque sanandole la vida y restaurandole la defensa. Creo que fui acertivo a la hora de distribuir el mana lo mejor posible.

The challenge was to fight a Splinter of the water element, of common rarity, with the ability of opportunist and "DEEPLURKER" is the ideal splinter. My strategy was to make the monster tank formidable by healing its health and restoring its defense. I think I was right in distributing the mana as well as possible.

La imagen de portada la tomé del post que anuncia el desafío)

The cover image I took from the post announcing the challenge).


Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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