Watching Progress More Closely For My Hive Main Goals (Week 32, 2023)


This is a short sum-up table with the state of my goals in easier TLDR form. The table has only some information, so if you want details, they can be found in the post.

Current State/Other Selection CriterionGoals Matching the Criterion
Ongoing5 (HP + HBD Savings, LEO Staked, Comments Made, DEC Saved 2 - Stage 2, Cards for Staking on Land - Stage 2)
Completed Main Goals0
Completed Goals3 (DEC-B Saved, DEC Saving 2 - Stage 1, Cards for Staking on Land - Stage 1)
Main goals3 (HP + HBD Savings, LEO Staked, Comments Made)
Goals2 (Cards for Staking on Land, DEC Saved 2)
New Goals2 (Cards for Staking on Land, DEC Saved 2)
Increased Goals3 (HBD target for HP+HBD Main Goal - twice, DEC-B Saved)
Decreased Goals2 (Comments Made, Cards for Staking on Land - Stage 1)


I include a link to the initial goal-setting post for 2023, for reference, if needed.

Looks like the Splinterlands team jumped the gun announcing they'll have Land 1.5 available on the Mavericks' test server this weekend. It's... not ready. They keep finding and fixing bugs on a daily basis and seems like the decision was made not to open the game to the mavericks yet, to not start with a bad impression.

We're slowly approaching the end of the year and from now on I'll need to pay close attention to my goals and their progress level, especially for the main goals which are very important to me, or they wouldn't be "main".

Both LEO and HP+HBD goals are on edge. LEO because I still have 4500 LEO to stake in 4 and a half months, which means around 1000 LEO per month. That was my pace at the beginning of the year when the price of LEO was much lower.

HP+HBD because, frankly, the bull market is taking its time to show up and the floor for HIVE remained quite high, which is great for the ecosystem, but not so much if you are accumulating. I was prepared for both situations (bull market or lower floor), but we are now somewhere in the middle which isn't fantastic for my goal.

Let's see what has changed since last week regarding my Hive goals.

HIVE Power (HP) + HBD in Savings Main Goal

My staked HIVE reached 33,266 HP this week. I am on course with my daily powerups for the PUM badge this month. My HBD savings are now at 215 HBD, after a little rounding up.

Here's what the evolution of the HP+HBD goal looks like:


I can't influence this 100% through accumulation, but it may be useful info. I need 162 HBD-worth progress weekly until the year-end to hit the HBD target or 556 HIVE-worth progress weekly until the year-end to hit the HIVE target. Progress can be realized through accumulation or price change (this can produce regress too). One target is enough to complete this goal.

LEO Staked Main Goal

I staked 250 LEO this week - around 67 of them purchased - and reached exactly 18,000 LP. Tomorrow is LPUD so I'll stake more LEO.


I currently need to stake 225 LEO weekly (down from 227 last week) to reach the target by the year-end.

Splinterlands Land Expansion Main Focus

Land expansion's main focus extends throughout 2023. Unless I change the strategy, it will be the only main focus / main goal for Splinterlands in 2023. But there will be several 1-3 months goals.

First Land-Related Goal: DEC/DEC-B Saved - Completed

This goal is COMPLETED.

Deadline (passed): When DEC-B offer runs out, either because all were sold out or because the time limit was reached (April 9th).

Target to consider the goal completed: 1.5 mil. DEC-B saved. Done!

DEC Saved 2 Goal - Stage 1 Completed

[COMPLETED] Deadline stage 1: June
Deadline stage 2: August
Deadline stage 3: End of 2023?

Target to consider the goal completed:

  • stage 1: 1.2m DEC (COMPLETED)
  • stage 2: 2.2 DEC (1m additional DEC)
  • stage 3: 5 DEC (2.8m additional DEC)

Current situation: 1.2m DEC (liquid) and 90k DEC x 2 = 180k DEC in SPS:DEC diesel pool.

New Land-Related Goal: Cards for Staking on Land Stage 1 Completed

The purpose of this goal is to build the amount of high PP cards I need for staking on my tract.

We will need to fill 5 slots per plot with staked cards, without requiring summoners (that doesn't mean they can't be used as regular cards).

So, what are the details of this goal?


  • [COMPLETED] Stage 1: June 2023
  • stage 1.5: August
  • stage 2: End of 2023 (this will be a new goal)

The total number of maxed-level* cards needed for staking on land: 500 (5 x 100).

  • stage 1: need 120 cards for land by the deadline (decreased from 220) COMPLETED
    • stretch goal: have optimized cards for 24 plots COMPLETED
  • stage 1.5: need 220 cards for land by the deadline
  • stage 2: have 500 cards for land
    • stretch goal: have optimized cards for 44 plots

(*) any card with at least 1000 PP suitable for the terrain types I own will do (better for better plots); doesn't have to be maxed

Current situation total: 139 / 500 (27.8%)

Current situation stage 2: 21 / 100

Time remaining until Stage 2 deadline: max 2 weeks?

Note: Taking my time. Practically, if I'm a little bit behind my DEC saving goal, I'm ok with this goal. For max-level cards, my DEC could currently support 136 cards at full production capacity, so I'm quite ok with this goal progress, even if it doesn't respect the original deadlines.

Note 2: I still need to take my land cards that are not from my playing deck off the rental market, but that's the last thing I'll do, a few days before Land drops publicly.

Comments Made

Original goal: 18k, REDUCED to 17k, by the end of 2023.

I started this week with a total of 14999 comments made.

Ended the week with 15096 comments made, which brings the number of my comments during this week to 97, which is in line with my needed weekly average.

I now need an average of 96 comments weekly to reach the goal of 17k.


Weekly Buy - LEO

I continued with my weekly 10 HIVE worth of LEO purchases. I'll keep doing that until I believe I am out of the woods with my LEO Power yearly main goal or until the price of LEO pumps and it doesn't make sense to buy anymore.


I envy you on your 250 LEO stake in the past week, but I'm (still) not buying it... Tbh, I'm a bit confused by the LEO team's moves with their "buy wall" orders as they seem to be random... We had a huge sell order a few days ago that was pushing the price down, and I expected to see that direction for a few weeks more, but things are changing...

Anyways, I'm still sitting on my hands and waiting with LEO... Maybe I will regret it, but that's the risk that I'm willing to take...

Good job with your goals and consistency!


Thanks! One thing you should be aware of about the automated purchases from the smart contract. They are in higher amounts when the LEO price drops and in lower amounts when the price of LEO goes up. Reason: they have to pay more LEO to delegators to maintain the 16% APR when the price goes down and less when the price goes up.

I believe that's why the price turned when LEO went down. I've been receiving more LEO for my delegation for many days now.


I understand the logic for paying dividends as we are doing the same for over 2 years at Liotes... 😃 The thing is that they do have a lot of cushion in different accounts (saved LEO) and they don't need to push those amounts day by day... That's why we can see price going down without a specific reason...

Btw, APR isn't been 16% for the last couple of months, it is around 12%... You can do the math yourself taking whatever price buy/sell...


Ok, it makes sense to optimize these buys and to save to not be caught without liquid LEO if the price goes crazy.

Yeah, I think I heard before the APR is no longer 16%. I guess it's an automatism on my part to say it. I still need this for the time being until the end of the year, because it helps with my goal. Afterward, I'll reanalyze the situation, but most likely I'm moving toward scaling back my HP from the two major delegatees, once my targets are met.


The LEO goal will be tough and I don't think the price will skyrocket for a while. However, I do think that LEO was more realistic at the beginning of the year before the zealy campaign started. Good luck with your goals


However, I do think that LEO was more realistic at the beginning of the year before the zealy campaign started.

I agree. Conditions have changed during the year. I'll still try to hit my year-end goal, even though it will be tough. Will see later on if I need to adjust or keep going.


Your goal really inspired me I must confess


Which goal? I'm glad you were inspired!


You're really doing well
I wish I had enough money to buy that but you're doing good


Thanks. By the targets I had set at the beginning of the year, I should do better by now, but I guess we can't foresee everything.


The way we see that you have been working hard on this platform for a long time and now you have starting to achieve your goals. Without hard work, man cannot do anything. Best of luck.


Well, I think I need to work smarter too. Thanks.


Great job @gadrian You do fantastic work on Hive! Have a great rest of the week.
Barb 🌟😊👍🌟 !BBH !CTP


Thanks, Barb. I don't know if it's fantastic, but at least it's consistent.
