Splinterlands Art Contest Week 257! - RUNEMANCER ATUAT Fanart.

Hello community, I hope that all of you are having a great day, today I bring to this week's contest a legendary character of life mana, called RUNEMANCER ATUAT, I did this drawing like my previous entries for the contest with different shades of black and gray, I hope you like it.


Let's start with the sketch of this character, I didn't know very well what pose to give this character so I modified his original pose a bit and gave his face a slightly more serious expression and his hands a little more relaxed, in the original pose He looks more willing to fight, in the drawing I did he believes it so that he would be more in a waiting but alert position.

empecemos con el boceto de este personaje, no sabia muy bien que pose darle a este personaje asi que modifique un poco su pose original y le di una expresion a su cara un poco mas seria y sus manos un poco mas relajadas, en la pose original se ve mas dispuesto a la batalle, en el dibujo que yo hice lo cree para que estuviera mas en posicion de espera pero alerta.


Here I already started with the drawing of what his face would be like and where he would be looking, I wanted to make his beard a little longer but I decided better to leave it as the original.

aqui ya empece con el dibujo de como seria su cara y hacia donde estaria viendo, tenia ganas de hacerle la barba un poco mas larga pero decidi mejor dejarlo como el original. 


Here we can see that the hands are already drawn and as I said above I wanted to give them a slightly more relaxed grip and not so abrupt to give the character a little more serenity

aqui podemos ver que ya las manos estan dibujadas y como dije arriba les quise dar un agarre un poco mas relajado y no tan brusco para darle un poco mas de serenidad al personaje


The sketch made with mechanical pencil is finished, I must say that I was about to try to digitize the drawing but I'm not very good at that because even though I know the colors, I don't know how to work with Photoshop very well and the process is very slow for me like that I decided to continue with what I know best, which is with ink and markers, although I do not eliminate the possibility that in the future I will color one of my drawings with photoshop again.

ya el boceto hecho con portaminas esta terminado, debo decir que estuve apunto de intentar digitalizar el dibujo pero eso no se me da muy bien ya que aunque conozca los colores, no se trabajar muy bien el photoshop y se me hacer muy lento el proceso asi que decidi seguir con lo que se mas que es con la tinta y marcadores aunque no elimino la posibilidad de que en un futuro vuelva a colorear alguno de mis dibujos con photoshop. 


The first layer of the outline with the ink of the entire drawing of the character is ready here.

ya aqui esta lista la primera capa del delineado con la tinta de todo el dibujo del personaje. 


The second layer of ink was the layer that is the strong shadow and the one that occupies less space since it is in the most covered places or that are hidden folds of fabric.

la segunda capa de tinta fue la capa que es la sombra las fuerte y la que ocupa menos espacio ya que esta en los lugares mas tapados o que son pliegues de tela escondidos


The third layer of shadows is a little lighter since it receives a little more light and is more exposed. Using two or even 3 tones of shadows helps to give the drawing three-dimensionality and I really like how it looks.

la tercera capa de sombras es un poco mas clara ya que recibe un poco mas de luz y esta mas expuesta, hacerle dos o hasta 3 tonos de sombras ayuda a darse tridimensionalidad al dibujo y eso me gusta mucho como queda. 


Finished drawing of this character that I really liked his design, I hope you like this drawing I made of him as much as I do, I hope you give me your support as I have always received.

dibujo terminado de este personaje que me gusto mucho su diseño, espero que este dibujo que hice de el les guste tanto como a mi, espero que me den su apoyo como siempre lo he recibido. 



