Splinterlands Art Contest Week 277! - MUSPELHEIM DEMON

Hello community, today I come to show you the drawing I made of this character whose demonic design seemed quite striking to me,

I made this drawing with my black ink pens and gray markers for the shadows of different intensities, I hope you like this redesign.

Hola comunidad, hoy vengo a mostrarles el dibujo que hice de este personaje que me parecio bastante llamativo su diseño demoniaco, 

Este dibujo lo hice con mis boligrafos de tinta negra y mascadores de tonos grises para las sombras de distintas intensidades, espero les guste este rediseño.


At first I didn't know how to put his hands so that all the details of the drawing could be seen, but in the end I decided to put his hands in front of him, channeling the energy in front of his chest.

al principio no sabia como ponerle las manos para que se vieran todos los detalles del dibujo pero al final decidi ponerle las manos al frente canalizando la energia frente a su pecho. 


Making the rest of the body was a little easier since I just had to follow the reference and make more prominent the chunks that come out of his arms and abdomen that show that giant eye on his stomach.

Hacer el resto del cuerpo fue algo mas facil ya que solo debi seguir la referencia y hacerle mas relieve a los cachos que salen de sus brazos y abdomen que hacen ver ese ojo gigante en su estomago. 


Here we have the drawing completed in its sketch phase with the mechanical pencil and then outlined with the black ink pen.

Ya aqui tenemos el dibujo completado en su fase de boceto con el portaminas para luego ser delineado con el boligrafo de tinta negra. 


Here we can see the drawing completely outlined with black ink on the mechanical pencil sketch.

Aca podemos ver el dibujo completamente delineado con la tinta negra sobre el boceto a portaminas. 


Here, as you can see, he has some dark shadows in certain parts of his body. I did not apply many shadows because he has a strong light source right in front, preventing very dark shadows from forming that are large since the light source covers almost the entirety of his body.

Aqui como pueden ver tiene unas sombras oscuras en ciertas partes de su cuerpo, no le aplique muchas sobras intentas porque tiene justo al frente una fuente de luz fuerte evitando que se formen sombras muy oscuras que sea grande ya que la fuente de luz cubre casi la totalidad de su cuerpo. 


Here the drawing is finished with an all light gray for the shadows that cover more space on his body, I hope you like it and thank you in advance for the support

Aqui ya esta terminado el dibujo con un todo gris claro para las sombras que abarcan mas espacio en su cuerpo, espero les guste y gracias de antemano por el apoyo 



