Poll: Progression for new players.



Poll: Progression for new players

How do you convince other people to play Splinterlands?

A few friend are excited about crypto and are well into gaming (gaming chairs included.).
So I recommended Splinterlands.
They ALL stopped playing after a few days, simply because they experience no progression.

We discussed that you should put more into the game to get more progression.
However when we did the math, it's up to hundred dollars to get a basic team.

On top of that if you stay in bronze the rewards are so small, even if you do the dailies, it'll take over years to progress to Silver, silver is a start, but the real rewards starts in gold. (for example CL pack drop rate at silver 3 is only 0.25%!! where in gold 3 it is 1% more details see Amound of free Chaos Legion packs you earn by league. )

You will need 100.000 collection power (CP) to get into gold 3, with around 120 CP / dollar you will need 833 dollar to get and stay in gold 3. Those card you buy are only for CP and not even card you want play play with!!
I know this can be viewed as a investment, but from a gamer perspective, putting hundreds of dollars in a game simply to get some rewards and progression for the dailies feels bad.

If you want to rent 100.000 CP at 350 CP / DEC you will need aroun 285 DEC, now winning at gold 3 gave me around 10 DEC per win. It is verry grindy to get some rewards, but it's doable, and you could get some lucky daily / end of season rewards. But even then, the progress you can make in a good long gaming session was too little to keep my friends excited.

How to get more people excited about this game?!

I'm really curious how other people experience and feel about this!

Don't forget to fill in the Poll: Progression for new players
