Splinterlands Daily Quest Stream Replay - January 9, 2023


Today was a pretty ordinary stream as far as my battles went. I won a few games, I lost even more, and I get some sweet rewards in my daily focus chests.

Sadly, not even focus reward SPS that was enough to change the tide of the current proposal. I am pretty sad that it looks like it will pass.

I don't think that's a great idea or will be a genuinely good outcome for the community; but we will see what will happen in not very long from now.

Probably by the time this post is live.

In any case, you can watch my streams live on twitch instead of these replays, and get my musing and ramblings in real time instead, which is surely a lot better.

Until next time...

Want more holoz0r and Splinterlands?

If you prefer sleeping in your designated time zone, go watch replays on YouTube.

If you want to see my Splinterlands antics and rants live, Find me on Twitch

If you haven't started playing Splinterlands, you should do that immediately. It's very good fun.

Go and watch me open season rewards and packs on YouTube!

Want more content from me?

Witness my futile efforts to play my Steam Game collection in alphabetical order.

Are you aware that I love photography? Check out my work in a collection.

Thanks as always for your time!
