Disintegrator - beast of the low silver league? - My first try to go for a weekly Battle Challenge


I have been following the Battle Challenge and always wanted to give it a try. I never did. Up to now! - So why now? Probably because this time it is about a monster I frequently use in battles.
-Disintegrator? I wash full of enthusiasm when I heard about it being in focus of this week's battle challenge. But then I read the first posts in my following feed.
And it turns out, the majority of authors thinks it is a not so good card to use.


As it turns out, not only do I, but also a lot of my enemies use this card.
Let me give you an example here: https://m.splinterlands.io/#/battle/game/process/sl_dd3d70f600f86414fc1867a0269e8bd2

Let us look at the set-up first, mid/rather high-mana battle, silver league 3, opportunity. So I supposed it would be a good idea to include a lot of melee.
My opponent did not really agree, but expected something like this. Actually he did expect a lot of variations as he even wanted to prevent magic attacks...


In the end there was not much left standing except for the disintegrators, as the second row Disintegrators were rather out of the line of fire. Front row and back row were main targets, probably due to the ruleset.



In the end it turns out my team was successful.**


So when do I use this card? -From my point of view the Disntegrator has a rather heavy use-case in low silver league and it is a card I often use. If anybody disagrees I REALLY and HONESTLY ask you to teach me your insights. :) (I finally want to leave Silver3)

And if you are not into Splinterlands at all, but you want to support my quest for the Legendary Gold Foil card, feel free to use my sign-up link: https://splinterlands.com?ref=jdike
