Gulab jamun recipe


Hello friends. Today, I am sharing the recipe for making Gulab Jamun, a sweet delicacy from North India. This dessert, made by combining khoya, paneer, and a bit of refined flour, can be prepared in about 1-1.5 hours. Let's get started with the Gulab Jamun recipe.

Gulab Jamun Recipe


  • Khoya (Mawa) - 700 grams (1 1/4 cup)

  • Paneer - 300 grams (1/2 cup)

  • Refined Flour (Maida) - 200 grams (2-3 tablespoons)

  • Sugar - 1k.g (3 cups)

  • Ghee - for frying Gulab Jamun


  1. Mix khoya, paneer, and refined flour in a wide and large bowl until it forms a soft, smooth dough. This is the prepared khoya for making Gulab Jamun.

  1. Before frying the Gulab Jamun, prepare the sugar syrup (chasni). Here's how you make it:
    • Mix equal amounts of sugar and water in a pan and heat it on the stove until it forms a syrup. Drop a bit on a plate, and if it forms a thread between your thumb and forefinger, the syrup is ready.

  1. Shape the dough into small, round balls and fry them in ghee. Test the ghee by dropping a small piece of dough; if it sizzles and browns, the temperature is right.

  1. Fry the Gulab Jamun until they turn golden brown on all sides. Remove them from the ghee and place them on a plate.
  1. Once they have cooled slightly, dip the Gulab Jamun in the prepared sugar syrup for 2 minutes.

The estimated time for making Gulab Jamun is about 1-1 1/2 hours.

Adjust the consistency of the dough by adding a bit more flour if it's too soft or a bit of milk if it's too firm. Be cautious with the temperature of the sugar syrup; it should not be too hot when dipping the Gulab Jamun.


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