
I remember that Armored Up ruleset has been held as the battle mage secrets them on the 3rd week of March 2023. Its quite popular ruleset and frequently come out. Basically, it give both players +2 armor. The ruleset have very significant impact on low mana cap battle, since it gives an important protection to the already low health cards. To counter this players will lean to use magic cards to attack. But be reminded that this could lure players to set trap using Magic Reflect.

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Pros & Cons

1. Armored Up basically provide +2 armor to the entire cards on both formation. This is very useful if you expect opponent to deploy mainly melee and ranged attack. And then extra additional armor help to protect cards with low health but high damage. Extra armor might be less useful on high mana cards, where it already have high health. But adding armor to unarmored card give additional block against single high damage attack, before the attack touched the main health.
1. Perhaps the first minor weakness of Armored Up would be the possibility for battle to run longer. This could turn into disadvantage for formation which rely on high speed to execute blitz attack. Also if combined with Earthquake ruleset, additional armor could help extend non-Flying cards chances to execute blitz attack before being demolished.
2. Armored Up become heaven for cards possessing Repair. Since Repair could be applied to any position, Repair would mostly be triggered on each round.
2. Armored Up are nowadays easily predictable, with players would rather deploy magic cards to defeat the armor benefit.

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Best Cards To Use

The best card to counter against this ruleset would be magic cards. But since this strategy could easily fall trap from Magic Reflect; the best way is to use magic cards with large health, Void ability, or Void Armor ability. For Rebellion editions, cards such as Argarux Magus, Thanalorian Scion, or Zebajin for their large health. Chaos Orc and Rush Townsend could be very useful since they possess large damage and Piercing which should damage the health right after the armor destroyed.

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So here we have the battle experience with Armored Up as the ruleset. Click BATTLE LINK to see how the battle run.


The battle has a maximum 29 mana cap, with Armored Up and Silenced Summoners as the rulesets; while only Earth and Dragon Splinters are made available.

Without Summoner effect, I didn't have to worry with Obsidian and its magic damage buff. So I decided to run with Dragon Splinter using Helios Matriarch just for one reason, and that is Void Dragon. Its the only available cards with Void on Bronze Level. And then I decided to deploy Regal Peryton which should fill the secondary Tanker. Goblin Psychic could mend and let the front row endure longer. Last but not least is to put my remaining mana on smaller mana magic cards. The last row filled with Kra'ar Xoc which literally act as Sneak blocker.

And nothing to be surprised, my opponent run with the same strategy. Except he/she made blunders of using Obsidian, in hope to gain the damage buff. The front row led by Mycelic Slipspawn, a tough Tanker. And coming up next are Regal Peryton and Goblin Psychic. This a threat, Goblin could easily goes 3 health to heal Mycelic. Lastly is Venari Spellsmith which should pose no threat at all.


The Round 1 is started. The Void work very nicely. Both Mycelic Slispawn and Goblin Psychic got number to 1 damage. And this damage just got totaly wipeout off Void Dragon when my Goblin Psychic equal the damage with its heal. This means my formation is totally invincible! And from the other side, my formation deliver a total of 6 magic damage which only being healed by 3 health. The battle ended with Mycelic Slipspawn losing 2 health while my Void Dragon losing 1 health only.


Round 2 and Round 3 repeat the pattern, leaving Mycelic Slipspawn with 2 health remaining. It only a matter of time before the frontline crumble and there will be nothing left.


It only take 2 (two) strike from Void Dragon and Regal Peryton to put an end to Mycelic Slipspwan. Now Regal peryton have to take the lead, but still the battle go nowhere as Void Dragon is impenetrable.


Round 5 become the last stand for Regal Peryton. Now with Goblin Psychic have to stand in the frontline there is no hope anymore for my opponent. Even Goblin Psychic max health is below the total damage output of my formation. So by the end of the Round 6, the battle ended for good.




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Its an easy peasy battle if we could predict the exact strategy of our opponent. In addition a uniform formation are very much vulnerable being bog down by a single debuff. This battle show how predicting your opponent is a crucial step, and deploying a formation in a single basket will lead to catastrophes> Quote.


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