
Rise Of The Commons bring limitation to cards deployable to cards of Normal and Rare rarity. One primary discrepancies is that Epic and Legendary cards inherently stronger compared Normal and Rare cards. But we have seen, as the cards advance in level, Normal and Rare cards tend to gain significant parameter growth which have potential to rival the Epic and Legendary. Since Normal and Rare cards are more affordable, most players will have better access to deploy these cards, which means there will be less advantage of having a well financed collection. These allows lower players to battle in equal strand to higher players.

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Pros & Cons

1. As previously mentioned, this ruleset will benefit low tier players with limited collection power considering the high tier players wouldn't be able to use their Epic and Legendary. Other than that, this ruleset are similar to Even Stevens or Odd Ones Out, and limit cards use arbitrarily.
1. Inverse to low tier player, the high tier player which depend on Legendary cards will be in a setback.

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Best Cards To Use

I don't think no particular card will be better than the other. All Normal and Rare cards should be equal and its up to us to use the best composition. One thing to remember this ruleset only limit monster cards, which means Epic and Legendary summoner cards are still useable.

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So here we have the battle experience with Rise Of The Commons as the ruleset. Click BATTLE LINK to see how the battle run.


The battle has a maximum 45 mana cap, with Rise Of The Commons and Aimless as the rulesets; while only Water, Earth, and Death Splinters are made available.

Possibilus The Wise is one of few Legendary summoner in my collection. This Legendary summoner cost 6 mana, which means its better to be used in medium to high mana cap. Possibilus draw its main strength come from the +2 Health buff, which if applied to full formation totaled to 12 health. Trample ability come second but still make an powerful offensive buff. I decided to use Diemonshark as my Tanker, followed Coastal Sentry with Double Strike and Reach. Both of them should deal huge amount damage to the front row. Deeplurker is a must for Water Splinter. A card with 3 damage for 6 mana is very cost efficient. I decided to deploy Venari Wavesmith as additional protection layer. The rest 2 (two) rows filled with Sultry Barmaid and Giant Squid both with a decent 2 damage which should launched randomly to the back row.

My opponent decided to use similar formation, except they use Flying squid to deal damage from the 2nd row. Swamp Spitter is a dangerous card for its Repair. Riverboat Captain is good magic card, especially with its Blast, but the 1 speed could be a weak-point which put it last to act. Mad Ogre Anarchist is more of a 2nd rate Opportunity card right after Deeplurker. I don't think I would make much use of it, except if 2 (two) Opportunity cards are necessary to be deployed.


Battle are now initialized with Round 0 where there's card with Ambush ability. Sultry Barmaid took this chances to hit Swamp Spitter, destroying its armor.


With much higher initiatives, my opponent open the round with Diemonshark strike into my Diemonshark. Both card are thick in health and armor, especially mine which started with 8 health and buffed with additional 2. Coastal Sentry missed one of its attack. And then a sequence of attack coming to my formation, leaving my Venari Wavesmith in great perils. Runeboat Captain managed to blast into Coastal Sentry with peripheral blast damage impacting Diemonshark and Deeplurker. The +2 health buff really make a great difference, with so far all cards looks fresh. When my rear squad gained their turn, they put a dispersed attack to various target, leaving Swamp Spitter and Riverbaot Captain in critical health.


Round 2, the tide of the battle surge for my favor. Both Diemonshark and Coastal Sentry land all their attack into Diemonshark, leaving it with 1 health remaining. Lucky for it to recover armor from Repair casted by Swamp Spitter. Mad Ogre Anarchis drew the 1st blood by bringing down Venari Wavesmith. Venari supposed to be the trump card to finish Diemonshark for good. The battle ended with Giant Squid and Sultry Barmaid exacting revenge by bringing down Swamp Spitter.


The battle run into mad rage, as Diemonshark blow away Diemonshark, and then triggering trample to wreck Flying Squid armor. Coastal Sentry follow up with double strike which depleted Flying Squid health to 2. The battle make a turning point when my Deeplurker gained the earlier order to strike down Flying Squid. This in turn move my opponent Deeplurker to front row, prevent it to strike down into Sultry Barmaid. Riverboat Captain exact revenge by blow away Diemonshark. And finally Giant Squid and Sultry Barmaid launched their arrow both damaging Riverboat Captain and Mad Ogre.


Trample is deadly ability if handled by the right card. Coastal Sentry deal a double strike into Deeplurker, eliminate it for good, and then draw another kill into Riverboat Captain. It is not long before Deeplurker, Sultry Barmaid, and Flying Squid launche combined attack to sent Mad Ogre Anarchist to limbo for good.


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This battle shows even Normal and Rare cards could have considerable parameter to dominate the battle even surpassing the Epic and Legendary cards. Coastal Sentry could be awarded performance of the battle. Imagine that Trample and Double Strike under Stampede ruleset; this could set a continuous unstoppable which could eliminate half of the formation in single swept.


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