
The first Airdrop Conflict has finally ended and the crewards has been distributed. For myself out of 203 rewards chances I managed to gain 3 Rage cards (thats including the guaranteed one). Since the final individual chances of the pool is 0,436% / cards, it means my gain has outperformed the pool! Unfortunately after expending 60 vouchers, I didn't managed to reveal any gold foil ones.

I decided to combine the 3 cards to gain a Level 2 card; this in hope to gain the Weapon Training ability which is a powerful additional. So far as of today I only used Rage 2 (two) times in the battle. This is mainly because Rage is a Dragon Splinter, where the alternatives for summoner are still limited. Rage is trully not an easy monster to bring down. Its tough and its devastating. So here I will share one of my battle record of using Rage.

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Click BATTLE LINK to see how the battle run.


The battle has a maximum 48 mana cap, with Even Stevens and Counterspell as the rulesets; while all Splinters are made available except for Death and Dragon Splinters.

I tried to give a go on how Rage could cope in the worst battle situation; and so this battle is a case of it. I tried to pull the battl with 2 (two) Non-Attack cards, one is Iidri Fyre and Krash Wanderford, both are rarely used by myself. But instead of placing both Non-Attack cards subsequently and put Rage on the 3rd row; I mixed Rage position with Krash. The next 3 (three) rows will be filled with damage dealer, consist of Technowizologist, Djinn Inferni, and Dhampir Infiltrator.

I got a setback early when my opponent deploy Obsidian to boost the magic damage which then accompanied with Mushroom Seer which Silence would drop down my entire magic dominant formation. My opponent led charges using Grund. To divert the attack from Grund, Mycelic Slipspawn attrack damage from the 2nd row. The formation is followed with Queen Mycelia and Mushroom Seer. The last 2 (two) rows looks worrying as Wood Nymph and Goblin Psychic have Tank Heal to sustain the frontline. This damage output is threatening, and my formation will have to rely on Rage and its Void to mitigate the magic damage.


Using Ambush effect from Akane, I managed to launched a successive blitz attack which ended up with Mycelic Slipspawn eliminated in early round. But it didn't last long as my opponent launch a counter-attack to bring down Iidri Fyre.


Entering 2nd round, I'm fortunate enought to bring Djinn Inferni, since its Giant Killer deal double damage to Grund. A total of 8 magic damage is discharged into Grund. But Wood Nymph and Goblin Psychic cast a double 3 heal into Grund. Rage had to sustain quite significant damage, leaving it with 6 health remaining. Meanwhile Dhampir Infiltrator start to drill deep into Goblin Psychic defence.


I'm fortunate enough to be able to deal an exact damage into Grund sending it into limbo for good. But Rage are unable to hold the wave of magic damage and ended up destroyed by the end of the round. The battle return to its balance with 4 cards against 4 cards.


On the 4th round, Dhampir Stalker send a killing blow into Goblin Psychic. But the whole magic cards formation still possess unsurmountable damage output. The counter-attack managed to blow off Krash.


My formation still have the strength to deal a significant strike. Starting with Technowizologist and Djinn Inferni which blow away Mycelic Queen; then Dhampir Infiltrator deal double damage into Wood Nymph. Technowizologist injured and brought down from the incoming damage.


The battle near its end. Dhampir Infiltrator strike down Wood Nymph. Djinn Inferni strike Mushroom Seer but left no effect as its health are recovered by Wood Nymph. Instead Djinn Inferni defeated by Mushroom Seer counter-attack.


The battle reached its conclusion as Dhampir Infiltrator make the first move and deal the final damage into Mushroom Seer, securing its victory. It's a close fight full with overtake alternately, but the battle ended with victory come out to my formation.


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