As usual, just as a reminder before we started, you can find the essential guide to read my traits mapping post here:

Dragon Splinter have been the leading figure among the other Splinter faction. Neutral Splinter and Dragon Splinter are the only Splinter with privilege to join forces with the regular Splinter faction. But while Neutral Splinter are somehow more like a mercenaries (basically since they are less stronger than ordinary Splinter); Dragon Splinter have been brought up to gain better potential. Although there are cost associated to it, that is some of Dragon Summoner cost extra mana compared to other Splinter Summoner; and also the collection itself will cost some fortune to level-up.

Whether it is melee, ranged, or magic collection, Dragon Splinter always have limited number of cards, which seemed to justify that only selected and the strongest cards are joined into the their rank. The limited collection of Dragon Splinter also because of their role which only a supplemental cards for the ordinary Splinter. In any battle conditions where Dragon Splinter are selectable, and where the Summoner are preferable, Dragon Splinter will always be the priority choice.

So far we have saw 8 ranged cards and 11 magic cards (1 card from those will be mentioned again since they have dual attack type). And we now come to the melee collection, which will raise the question, is it true Dragon Splinter bring some of the rarest and powerful melee cards available?

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Number of Card by Rarity and Mana

As usual before we continue, please familiarize yourself with the mana range grouping used to ease mentioning any particular cards.

Mana Range
Range Term
0 - 3 mana
Low Mana
4 - 7 mana
Mid Mana
8 - 10 mana
High Mana
11+ mana
High-End Mana
Rarity1 Mana3 Mana4 Mana5 Mana6 Mana7 Mana8 Mana9 Mana11 Mana15 Mana

The collection is quite minimalist with only 13 cards available. They are sparsely distributed from the 1 mana up to 15 mana. There's only 1 cards counted for each mana level. And there's clear distinction, where the lower mana cards are coming from the Normal and Rare, the mid, high, and high-end range would come from the Legendary type. The most notable card would be Agor Longtail (No. 13), which so far have been the cards with the highest mana cost.

As previously mentioned, Dragon Splinter are the home where the Legendary cards have gathered. We see that there are 8 cards out of 13 cards are Legendary type. And there's only 1 Epic card and 1 Normal type cards. The number of Legendary type confirm that Dragon Splinter are not the collection you could easily attained, and more to it, under ruleset like Lost Legendaries and Rise Of The Commons will left Dragon Splinter to only few selectable cards. Desert Dragon (No. 8) the cheapest one among the Legendary type currently will still cost you $3.00 / bcx. Then again outside the Legendary and Epic type card, there are only 4 cards from Normal and Rare, which barely stronger than the ordinary Splinter.

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Traits Mapping



The Level 1 chart show the average health-mana ratio are positioned on the range of 0.75 to 1.00 tick. This is pretty standard considering other Splinter faction have larger proportion of cards reaching beyond 1.00 tick. But the reason for this figures could be attributable to the better armor traits, where 8 cards possessed armor with some valued beyond 5 armor (for example Djinn Chwala, Carnage Titan, and Robo-Dragon Knight). The damage-mana ratio are rather decent with the average positioned on the range below 0.50 tick. Only Desert Dragon (No. 8) so far able to reached above 0.50 tick whilst its a 7 mana cards.

Speed are somehow better than other Splinter based on count over the number of yellow nodes and blue nodes. Abilities are also plenty considering most cards started with double abilities. But it is typical for Legendary type cards to start with a quite number of abilities.


No significant shift happened since Legendary type have fewer progression steps (even if some cards gained dual growth). Most of the card barely increase its health-mana ratio close to the border of SOUTH-WEST and SOUTH quadrant. Damage-mana ratio shift better considering mostly started at 0.25 and now grow into the average range between 0.50 to 0.75 tick. Twilight Basilisk (No. 3) and Gloridax Soldier (No. 5) seemingly gained the most growth in term of health, armor, and damage combined.

Some cards gained speed growth, but mostly happened on the low mana cards; while the high mana cards tend to stagnant on their speed. Abilities show the most growth, with most cards gained 2 - 3 new abilities. Desert Dragon (No. 8) and Robo-Dragon Knight (No. 11) both gained 3 abilities, with the later reached a total of 5 abilities.

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Abilities Mapping


As usual, Striker and Tanker Abilities dominated the majority of abilities. There's a lot of Target Altering Abilities for such limtied 13 cards, which is 3 Sneak, 2 Opportunity, and 1 Sneak. Unfortunately they are only available for the low and mid mana ranged. There's a lot of Stun which less useful since its already available on most ranged and magic cards. The most notable abilities would be Double Strike where its possessed by 3 cards, and they are also melee with huge damage output.

Tanker Abilities are still dominated by Flying and Shield. Tanker Abilites are few on less available on low mana cards, but rather a lot on the high and high-end cards. Robo-Dragon Knight (No. 12) and Agor Longtail (No. 13) both become the heavy-weight Tanker. Other abilities looks standards but we will discuss more detailed in the next section.

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Personal Thought

This final section, I give my personal thought for several card mentioned below.

'1. Mighty Dricken

This might be the most peculiar and unique card from Dragon Splinter. While it has a standard parameter for 1 mana cards; it also possessed a handful of abilities which bring a great leverage. Especially Scavenger which create mana efficiency by allowing health to boost tremendously, only if this cards is sheltered long enough until its ready to step-up to front row. Enrage is very handy ability to boost this card once it step up to the front row. Trample is a bit dilemmatic since to use it would require this card to be in the front row, whereas this card supposed to accumulate enough health before absorbing damage in front row (after which most of the cards already destroyed).

'2. Dragon Jumper

Dragon Jumper reminds me a lot of Serpentine Spy. Both cards are Ninja cards which excel on damage, speed, and depend on evasion rather than health to survive. But with 7 mana, Dragon Jumper more of an upgraded version of Serpentine Spy. Dragon Jumper is more conservative having a quite number of health enable it to absorb several blow, especially against magic attack.

'3. The Vigilator

This is a very rare cards among all Splinter which have dual attack while decorated with Double Strike. With these combined, The Vigilator would be a mass destruction weapon, dealing double damage on all position. But the most destructive power, come when this card is decorated with Close Range; then it would deal a quad damage, both from each attack type. So far only Drybone Rider which have similar traits as this one, but a higher 12 mana to deploy.

'4. Robo-Dragon Knight

Robo-Dragon Knight is a fascinating heavy Tanker, and might be considered the best Tanker so far (although Grum Flameblade with its Void and Void Shield could be comparable competitor). It has 5 abilities which not entirely important. Divine Shield is only useful to absorb the first incoming attack and its useless for the rest of the battle. Void and Magic Reflect would ease your concern over magic attack; while the armor will absorb melee and ranged damage. With such comprehensive defense against melee, ranged, and magic; the main threat against this card would come from Shatter which able to crumble down its armor.
