Are the Weapons Training Changes Overpowered

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"Weapons Training gets an overhaul in Rebellion, and the Moxian Rebel is ready to take full advantage of it. The ability now grants full attack power to adjacent units, and there it stays, even if the Trainer dies a grisly death."

That was from a Splinterlands post a while ago when they did a sneak peek for Moxian Rebel.

Last week, I made a post, "The New Dual Summoners are Hiddenly Overpowered", similar to what I would talk this week as well. This was more focused on the summoner, Zeddica, and why I think Weapons Training was really good this Rebellion series.

However, this time, we'll be doing a deeper dive on this because I don't think the devs thought about it this far when they revamped the Weapons Training Ability.

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Weapons Training is an ability that gives attack types to monsters without attacks or what I call passive monsters.

The monster with Weapons Training gives attack to both monsters beside it, which is on their front and back.

The damage given is the same as the one the monster with Weapons Training have. For example, since Zyriel has range damage, she gives range weapons to the monsters beside her.

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This is an example of a passive monster. He has amazing stats and abilities in order to compensate for not being able to attack.

These types are the only monsters that can receive Weapons Training. If the monster has an attack even if it's different to the attack that the monster with Weapons Training have, they won't get it.

However, there are a few more rules that make the Weapons Training more insane.

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Other than these cards, there are also other notable monsters with Weapons Training in Soulbound Chaos Legion Rewards. However, I think it would be better for you to check it yourselves.

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These are not exactly, "rules", per se. These are more like tips that I found while playing around with Weapons Training.

1. Weapons training stacks as long as it's different types

Stacking weapons training.PNG

A passive monster placed between Zyriel and Daarg Deadblast gains both 3 range damage and 2 magic damage.

If the passive monster is placed in between Daarg Deadblast and Moxian Rebel, he gets the highest Weapons Training, which is, 2 magic damage at this point. It's as if Moxian Rebel loses its effect.

2. Weapons Training gains effect from effects that increase and/or decrease damage

For example, if you have Moxian Rebel, giving 1 magic damage to your monsters while playing Obsidian summoner, Moxian Rebel and the other two passive monsters would gain an extra 1 magic damage.

This works with any damage modifier. If you have Inspire ability in your lineup, and you have a monster with Melee damage Weapons Training, that monster and other monsters it gives melee weapons training gains an additional 1 damage.

This rule also works with other abilities such as Martyr.

3. Weapons Training damage is based on the origin's base damage.

Zyriel, at level 1, has 3 range damage. This meant it would give 3 range damage to passive monsters beside her as well due to Weapons Training.

4. Weapons Training cannot be dispelled.

If your opponent has a monster with Dispel ability, it would not remove the Weapons Training that your passive monsters got.

The Dispel would, however, remove any changes in the damage of the monster. If your monster is gaining an extra damage from Martyr, dispel would remove that positive buff.

5. Weapons Training is affected by Rules of Combat

If you are playing in Heavy Hitters rule of combat and an opponent monster is stunned, that opponent gets double damage from the passive monsters with Weapons Training.

If you have passive monsters gaining range and/or magic daamge, their attack becomes random during Aimless rule of combat. This also applies with other target modifying rule of combats such as Equal Opportunity, Target Practice, etc.

6. Passive monsters still get double damage from Oppress ability.

Monsters with Oppress ability deals double damage to monsters without attack, aka the passive monsters.

Even if they gain damage from Weapons Training, they are still considered passive monsters and would still get double damage when a monster with Oppress ability attacks it.

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There were a few changes that the devs did this Rebellion that made Weapons Training so overpowered in my opinion.

1. Monsters with Weapons Training ability gives full damage instead of half.

Before the Rebellion, Weapons Training only gives half damage, rounded up. Zyriel, who has 3 damage, gives 2 damage to passive monsters beside her.

This has now increased to 3 which makes her really strong in Rebellion.

This also affects the other favorite monster of mine, Aves Sturgis, giving 2 magic damage instead of 1 to passive monsters beside him.

2. The attack that the monsters gained from the Weapons Training does not disappear anymore when the origin dies.

Let's say you have: Riftwing, Zyriel and Chaos Agent as the combo. Zyriel is the origin of the Range Weapons Training giving Riftwing and Chaos Agent range damage.
Before, if Zyriel dies before Chaos Agent or Riftwing does, the range damage gained by Chaos Agent and Riftwing from Zyriel disappears making them unable to attack again.

This Rebellion, they removed that limitation. Now, even if Zyriel dies first, Riftwing and Chaos Agent can still attack given that it's allowed by the game mechanics (Remember, range monsters cannot attack while in first position).

3. The Introduction of Dual Element Summoners.

Rebellion is the first series where there are dual element summoners. This means that you can use monsters from both elements at once as long as your summoners allow it.

Zeddica is a summoner that has both elements of Water and Death. This allows the player to use both elements in their build. This made it possible to use Zyriel(Death/Life) and Daarg Deadblast(Water) together giving your team a combination of range and magic damage.

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I won't share my full builds since it would take us a LOT OF TIME if I have to show each one while explaining why I chose those monsters.

What I would do is to give you the summoner, and the two monsters with Weapons Training and you can decide which passive monsters you use.

Zeddica + Zyriel + Daarg Deadblast

This is my go-to combo for now as this allows me to get to some strong passive monsters for Water like Baakjira and Noa the Just and Death's Riftwing and others.

This is, I think, the best core if you are thinking on abusing Weapons Training.

Prunda Undervesch + Zyriel + Daarg Deadblast

Since Zyriel is also a dual element herself, you can use her as long as you have a summoner that can use monsters from Life or Death.

This time, we're doing a Water-Life combo. It's basically the same, just an alternative if Death is not available.

General Sloan + Zyriel + Aves Sturgis

From dual elements, we go back to the original combo. This is a pure Life combo which is still good but now, it kind of limits you to what passive monsters you can use.

Since monsters that gained damage can gain damage from damage increasing abilities, with General Sloan, Zyriel and the two monsters with her Weapons Training also gets another 1 range damage.

This combo became weaker since you now cannot use Untamed Series for Modern Ranked. I used this combo before with Truthspeaker which allows me to have Protect ability while dishing damage.

This combo using Truthspeaker, though, can still be used now but using a different monster which I would describe below.

Dragon Summoner + Berix Snakeye + Aves Sturgis/Daarg Deadblast

Berix Snakeye is a dragon Soulbound monster that has range damage. You can combo him with Aves Sturgis, another soulbound monster (Life) or Daarg Deadblast, Rebellion monster (Water)

Regardless of your choice, this would give you the freedom to get whatever passive monsters you have but only allows one element of your choosing.

The Dragon summoner is not specific as well. As long as he's a dragon summoner, it would work since you can get Berix Snakeye.

Since you are using a Dragon summoner, this also gives you access to Runeseer Sevaya, a Rebellion Dragon monster with Protect.

Death Summoner + Zyriel + Skok Duskblight

Lastly, a pure Death build is with the combination of Zyriel and Skok Duskblight.

Death has a lot of good passive monsters and this would give you the same thing as the pure life but with a little less firepower.

You need to be lucky first, though since Skok Duskblight is a legendary soulbound monster, meaning not only he's pretty hard to get, you can only get him from rewards chests.

There are other Weapons Training from Earth and Fire elements but it lacks a lot in comparison to these combos so I prefer to use these if available.

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I think the devs thought that the Weapons Training was underpowered since no one is playing it and that's why they gave them this boost.

In my opinion, the half damage before is already balanced and that is why I was so excited when they released this information.

I already gained the Aves Sturgis so I have a really good idea of how overpowered this combo is before but now, it's way more scary.

If the mix damage and high stats doesn't scare you, all I can say is, "Good luck when you face me in Modern Ranked."

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  • This post is an entry for Splinterlands Social Media Contest.
  • Other sources that I do not own are cited under their respective photos. Photos and drawings without cited sources are mine and made for this post.
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