It's All About The Game... Still.

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Edited in Canva Pro.


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Gif from Tenor.

I joined Hive on March 22, 2022. My main goal from then until now is to make Splinterlands content in order to fund my hobby, which is Splinterlands and occassional drawing. I learned a lot of the game, even started to get involved on it more and more as time comes.

Splinterlands is a popular fantasy trading auto battler card game that uses blockchain technology for their cards and rewards. It has a large community of players that not only plays the game but also can influence its development through votes.

It is a highly engaging game where you get to build a team of a summoner and 6 monsters each game and watch them battle against another team managed by another player. Your main goal is to defeat your opponent's team by killing all of their monsters and emerge as the winner.

To make it easier to imagine, it's the same as Pokemon games but every pokemon battles all at the same time and the last team standing wins.

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Discovery of Splinterlands

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Gif from Tenor.

I started doing Splinterlands content on March 27, 2022 with my first Splinterlands Art Contest Post. The pics and gifs on there were all broken now so you will probably won't see anything. But the text (and the cringe) is still there.

I don't remember when exactly I discovered the game. But I remember that I saw it on someone's facebook post. Since the entry is just $10, I decided to try it after watching a few videos on youtube. I was playing Yugioh on my locals at the time so I thought it was unique to own your cards online.

As someone who enjoys playing card games like Pokemon cards and Yugioh, I decided to give Splinterlands a try. At first, I found the website to be somewhat confusing. There were so many different tabs and sections to navigate and no guides whatsoever. There were no tutorials as to what each section does and I didn't even realized there was a FAQ section hidden somewhere there. However, after a few minutes of poking around, I was able to get a better understanding of the game mechanics after a huge number of losses.

My first battle was difficult. I wasn't sure how to form the best team for the fight. I just added what made sense and learned from my mistakes.

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Duration on Splinterlands

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Gif from Tenor.

At the time of this post, it's been almost 1 year and 9 months since I've been posting Splinterlands content and playing it. I would say I am a veteran in terms of the game but it's been less than a year since I've been really serious about it.

I found the game to be enjoyable and challenging, which has kept me engaged and entertained over the long term. Some of my favorite things about game are the different summoners and monsters that can be used to create unique strategies.

While I've been voicing out my wants for player interaction than Splinterlands just being a manger simulator, it was answered by the revelation of the Summoner Tactics mechanics and as the devs said, it was only a start so I expect more player interaction in the future.

Overall, it's a well-designed game so far that I would highly recommend to anyone who enjoys playing trading card games like Yugioh or Magic the Gathering or strategy games in general.

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Time Spent in Splinterlands

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Gif from Tenor.

I played Splinterlands for several hours a day. Most of them are for thinking strategies and what to buy and rent. The battle are quite easy once you have a few strategies in mind that you can use for the day and simply change them depending on the current rules of the battle.

From my understanding of the game, some dedicated players might spend at least 2 hours per day playing and managing Splinterlands. It all depends on the that person's preferences and time.

Splinterlands can be a fun way to unwind and relax. But you should always be mindful to balance it with other activities. Any activities done for long periods can take away your precious time from work or school and even friends. Striving for a healthy schedule ensures that the game remains an enjoyable past time than an addiction.

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High Gold League. At one time, I was able to reach Gold 1. Since I was only renting, I didn't go up to Diamond. Even if I could, since the price of the rental would be very high, I decided to stay in Gold. This is before the rewards penalty has been applied, and way before Rebellion. It was when you still rent for collection power to rank up. Those were the fun days because I even got, I think, 2 Chaos Legion packs from the rewards chest by playing the game.

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Top 7 in Splinterlands Art Contest. I cannot find the link for the post but I am really sure about it. I also don't remember what drawing I did that time. it was a very long time ago before skilled artists came in Splinterlands. The Top aren't that high to achieve at that time. It's not to say they are bad but there's a lot better people now, maybe because of technology as well.

I remember getting to the top because of one player's comment accusing me of having connections inside Splinterlands or having high reputation so my work got to Top 7. (I was still the last one though). I would admit that my works wasn't as impressive but it was uncalled for since, to me, their work is not as good as well.

Basically, that person technically said that my art wasn't good enough to be on the top, in which, I would both agree and disagree. I would agree that my art-style is like old-style anime, like Dragonball, Naruto Season 1 or something really old. Up to this day, I cannot compete with the top with all those 3D effects and style.

I would disagree at him as well because I strongly believe that you liking the art depends on person to person. I mentioned this in one of the youtube comment at some videos as well. People likes Picasso's works even now but to me, It looked like a kid in elementary drawing. I don't say this to diss the great artist but to show that while others appreciate his art and style, I don't. It's the same as this person don't like my art but I and some of the curators at that time do.

I always tried to innovate, which is proven by me using an eye-liner as an art medium at one time (which went really good) and effort is actually one of the factors for getting a high grade in the contest.

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Gif from Tenor.

Oh, and after this, I even got a Honorable mention:
So, I don't think my style is as bad as what that person is saying. Also, I don't know anyone inside Splinterlands. I rarely engage even in discord because I'm a very introvert person.

In fact, If you dig way back on my posts, I even got a small beef with a few of them because of some accusations (I am not sure if they were accusing me but that's how I felt. I made a few posts and comments about it but I think I proved my side and everything went well after that.)

This is not everything but I found a compilation of my other drawings a year ago.

Recently, I'm not been drawing because of how busy I am with my personal life. I will, however, plan to be more engaged in the game in the future. I want to stabilize my finances so I can use more of my income in the game and reach the Diamond league that I didn't managed to do before.

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Gif from Tenor.

Managed to Find a Splinterlands "stolen" asset in a Mobile Game.

If you are interested, I made a post about it that you can find in this link:

I was playing this game that is a roguelike card batler like Slay the Spire but for mobile. As you can see here, its appearance is very familiar with a certain card with the same name from the Beta Series:

Gelatinous Cube.PNGPhoto from my post.

For those who aren't familiar, Splinterlands has a monster with the same name. It's a Neutral Beta monster that has no attack and Scavenge ability. You can see it immediately when you visit the store. I used it a lot before when playing Wild especially in Noxious Fumes rule of combat and very good at that.

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Photo from Splinterlands.

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Upcoming Goals

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Gif from Tenor.

My goals were brought down a lot lower than before due to removal of Untamed Series. My current goal is to master the Rebellion cards. Riht now, I felt that a lot of the cards were weak and weren't compatible with Chaos Legion.

Even so, there are diamonds in the rough out there like the Weapons Training cards that I found really strong.

My other goal is to get back to gold and farm some Chaos Legion Soulbound legendaries. I found a lot of them really strong and can strengthen my strategies.

For my Long Term goals, I want to make a Splinterlands Animated Trailer. I won't change this anytime soon as this is a long term goal. My current PC is not good enough to do this as it require higher versions of Photoshop, After Effects and even Blender. This means, I need to buy a mid-range PC which costs quite a bit in our country.

I also don't know how to use 3D drawing software such as Blender so that would take time as well. And lastly, if there's some Splinterlands Vtubers out there, I want to make assets for them as well since I think it would be fun.

There's also an addition to this which I hope to do this year or next year. I've been seeing a lot of Neuro and Vedal, a tag of AI and Developer streamers. I want to make an AI vtuber like Neuro-sama and do Splinterlands related content online. I think titles like, "Human vs AI, who will win in Splinterlands" is such a catchy title that will be good and interesting to watch.

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Advice for Beginners

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Gif from Tenor.

As a Splinterlands veteran player, my advice for beginners is to understand the different abilities of each card and how to form synergies between them to create a strong team. Splinterlands is complicated as it is but it's not if you read the descriptions and study. Just like in the other games, the stats of each card can greatly help you form an effective strategy. As a rule of thumb in Splinterlands, put the highest health in front or back and the lowest healths in the middle. The middle, like the 3rd and 4th positions, are the safest as the opponents will have a hard time getting to it from the front or the back with Sneaks.

Second, it's important to understand the rules of combat for each battle. Every battle has specific rules of combat to follow. This is what makes Splinterlands challenging and unpredictable. Knowing them will help you use the right cards in your lineup and maximize their stats and abilities.

Third, start with the basics by playing low-level battles, experimenting with different cards and strategies, and learning the mechanics of the game before moving on to more advanced battles. Having higher league also means higher chance of getting multiple rules of combat at the same time. As an example, when I was in gold, I had a battle that has three rules of combat. You need to abide on all those rules while using the best team. It's a bit tricky to get and hard to fill if you don't know the different rules you will get.

Fourth, always be updated with the latest news and announcements in the game. This will help you stay ahead of the competition and make better decisions when purchasing cards. Say, you didn't hear about the Untamed Series news. You just bought a legendary card worth $40 only to find out that a few weeks from now, that card will be unusable in Modern Format. While you can still use it in Wild, the cards there are still different than just playing Modern Format.

But the last and most important advice is to have fun. Just like Video Game High School's Dean Ernie Calhoun always say...

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Gif from Tenor.

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  • This post is an entry for Splinterlands Social Media Contest.
  • Other sources that I do not own are cited under their respective photos. Photos and drawings without cited sources are mine and made for this post.
  • Animated Banners and Dividers are edited in Canva Pro.
  • Some of the fonts used are from

If I seem to forget to cite other sources, this would be unintentional. Please leave it on the comments below to be added in the post. Thanks.

If you're interested in playing the game, support me by registering using my referral link here

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