RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Restrict Gladiator Cards Below Silver League

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Wouldn't that be more unfair to newer players?

If you will only unlock the Conscript ability, then that means:

  1. Players will farm more useless cards. Will you play a 6 mana cost summoner with no abilities? (soulbound so it cannot be traded or sold)
  2. Since you will unlock it after silver, then that means you will need level at least:
    level 5 common
    level 4 rare
    level 3 epic
    level 2 legendaries
    and at least Gold League
    in order to get the full earning requirement.

Just to give new players idea of HOW HARD TO FARM THESE CARDS, in my guild, I earn 600-800 merit per brawl. One brawl takes a total of 1 week for all three phases. That means once a week or 600-800 merit per week. One gladiator pack is 2000 merits, so a month of grinding in brawl means 2400 - 3200 merit OR 1 PACK A MONTH.

I have a Katriela Gobson, Earth gladiator that I farmed for 3 months (I didn't bother to join guilds until recently because most of the guilds have weekly DEC donations or else you get kicked. I didn't like being forced.). I have 3 in hand. Since she is a common monster, IF THIS PROPOSAL PASSED, then I have to get at least level 5 Katriela Gobson or else I'd get penalties for using it. Level 5 commons require 60 cards.

TLDR: If I can get lucky getting Katriela Gobson each pack (That is a big IF), you are asking me to grind for 60 months. That's 5 whole -beep- years.

Instead of doing this and using the argument, "for the benefit of new players", then just remove the "Are you not entertained" rule of combat along wtih Conscript.


This is a one sided rule that only benefits:

  1. Veteran players who are playing with brawl ever since it started. Those who have almost max gladiators won't be affected.
  2. Newer players will have harder time playing in higher league because whil they, if some reason, can play a level 1 Quora, their opponents would probably be playing level 3 Quoras since they are in Gold League.

The community got me surprised because this is probably the VERY FIRST in my two years of playing that a proposal this bad got me furious. You are trying to get sympathy by using "for the new players" card while the proposal submitted ONLY BENEFITS SOMEONE PLAYING FOR LIKE 4 YEARS.


New players have zero chance to get gladiators until and unless they join a guild. I am against the idea of forcing people to join, unless they choose to.

Personally, I'm enjoying sucking at brawls as well as hanging with my guild in chat, but I wouldn't have inflicted my crappy win rate on any guild by choice.

Yes Quora et al can be countered if you have enough of the right cards, but then surely the counters can be countered right back at you. I know a significant number of my dispels have been taunted away from the intended target.

Players want to keeps the ability to eat newbs for breakfast in every game there is. But let's at least be honest about it.


Yes Ouora can be countered, for example also from the Goblin Psychic with Affliction - Unfornately the Goblin Psychic get Affliction only at Level 4 and so this counter doesn't work in bronze league.
How many cards have Affliction at bronze level ?


In general I agree, but:

"Players will farm more useless cards. Will you play a 6 mana cost summoner with no abilities? (soulbound so it cannot be traded or sold)"

Here you oversee somthing - this summoner have abilities besider conscript as they have +1 speed, -1 speed, +1 life, -1 life , +1 armor, -2 armoer also, but you are right that this isn't worth 6 Mana, I consider them as a 3-Mana-Summoner without conscript so you "pay" the double price 6 instead of 3 Mana - I have already pointed it out but without any answer from the post creator.

I have also addressed this before in the discord, so again the DAO just burn 100k DEC for nothing.


I miss the extra abilities since those effects are technically negligible. I apologize for that.

I was surprised though that this was now disagreed because it's too advantageous to whales farming in Bronze and silver leaderboards. I might've overreacted though thinking the voting system was controlled by whales.


In the end it is not conrolled cause 66.67% from the staked SPS is really a lot, but when you consider that normally only 30%-40% of the staked SPS really vote and that not need "only" 33,34% to "block" a proposal at least to block proposals is quite imiginable when some whales work together.
