Summoner's Week: Avina of the Wolf

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The tips and possible advises in this article are designed for Bronze and Silver League, in which I am in right now.

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I was really excited when I saw this the first time. I almost can't believe that the devs would do this. This reminded me of The Kraken and his minions.

The build is not as strong as The Kraken in terms of damage but they are more stable. While this build requires quite a bit of mana, I am confident to say that this would be one of my go-to builds this Rebellion set.

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Avina of the Wolf, in my opinion, is one of the best summoners in the Rebellion Series. While Heal can be countered, if not, your monster can snowball the game. This is especially useful if you need or want one monster to survive.

The extra speed for the other choice is a bit underwhelming. While +2 speed meant an extra 20% for your opponent to miss, it's still only a chance. Not a lot of monsters and strategies rely on speed and while some do, it's not as reliable as an extra health restored every round.


+2 Speed (2).: Increases speed of up to 2 monsters on the board by 2.


Heal (1). : One monster on the board gains the Heal ability. Heal restores 1/3 of the monster's max health each round.

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  1. Heal ability is super strong. - It is very reliable and can be combined with a lot of monsters without any consequence.
  2. Extra Speed can be useful in some strategies. - If you cannot rely on the Heal, you can use the Speed strategy with Coeurl Lurker. His original strategy relies on speed so while it's not as strong as the Heal one, it's still good as a secondary strategy.
  3. Affordable. - The average price for this summoner right now is around $2.65 per copy which is quite affordable for the strategies she can provide. There's also very little copies in the market as of now so I expect that this price will go lower as the days go by.


  1. Some rules of combat completely kills this summoner.
    - One example of this is Healed Out. While you can use the Speed ability, it doesn't compete to what the Heal ability can give you.
  2. No counter against Affliction and Poison.
    - There's no monster with Cleanse among Life Splinters or Neutral monsters which can shut down the Heal ability from Avina of the Wolf.
  3. No offensive abilities.
    - Both the abilities are defensive abilities. It doesn't have anything that either increases damage or decreases an opponent's damage. There's no abilities such as applying poison or anything that could damage the opponent as well.

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Rules of Combat
All monsters on the board will copy the max health of the monster with the highest max health on the board: I found a lot of good monsters with Shield ability for the Rebellion but most of them has low health. This rule of combat will battle that low health problem allowing you to have a good monster with Shield and Heal ability
Back to Basics
All monsters lose their abilities for this battle: Since there are no abilities, there would be no Affliction ability to stop your Heals. This ensures a really strong front line with their Heal sustain as you rip your opponent's lineup slowly and carefully.
Reverse Speed
The monsters with the highest speed acts last. The higher the speed of the monster, the higher the chance it misses on their attacks: This rule of combat can either be the best or worst depending on how you use your Summoner Tactics. Since you can apply Avina of the Wolf's Speed increase to your opponents as well, you can use it to your opponents during the Reversed Speed Rule of combat in order to make them miss some of their attacks.

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Rules of Combat
Aim True
Monsters will not miss during this battle:
This rule of combat is bad for both of Avina of the Wolf's abilities. Since your opponents cannot miss, they won't be affected by increased speed in terms of hit/miss chance. In terms of the Heal strategy, since your opponent doesn't miss, you might not be able to outheal the opponent's damage if they focused on dealing the damage.
Keep Your Distance
No melee monsters are allowed during this battle:
The best compatible monsters for this summoner are melee monsters.
Healed Out
Any healing effects are disabled for this battle:
Since all types of healing effects will be disabled, the Heal from Avina will be useless which removes half of your strategy for the Tactics stage.

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Bera Dallin
Her high max health and Taunt makes her a good choice for Avina of the Wolf's Heal ability choice. If you add the two other Tank Heals, this makes it a win condition since your Avina of the Wolf now restores 1/3 of her health three times in one round. In other words, she restores up to her max health each round and the only way to kill her is to burst her before the Heals and Tank Heal applies.
His 14 max health combined with Immunity, triage. This combination is best in Noxious Fumes as the Immunity negates the Poison status while the Heal deals with any excess damage the opponent does making sure you survive until the end.
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Coeurl Lurker
Same with Bera Dallin but has higher damage. The Taunt ability assures your team stays alive while the Dodge ability provides a few misses from your opponent's attacks.

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Photo is from my Peakmonsters Account.

This is a really strong build for Life. While it doesn't deal a lot of damage, it's quite hard to kill since you need to burst the main Tank in order to have a chance against dealing with the back row.

However, let me tell you a secret. This strategy falls if your opponent has any monster with Affliction ability due to the low availability of Cleanse this series. In fact, there's no Cleanse ability for the Life Splinter and Neutral monsters so if your opponent has Affliction ability, this will not work.

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Avina of the Wolf

The main summoner for this build. She can either give two monsters an extra 2 speed each or give Healing ability to a monster. This ability can be used on any monsters on the board. The heal ability is required for this strategy as it increases the survivability of your only tank.

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Bera Dallin

Has high 12 max health, Taunt and Armor Strike. Having high health is good as it increases the amount the Heal and Tank Heal can restore each rouch.

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Meriput Magician

He's basically a mage version of Venari Crystalsmith. The Tank Heal is really important in this build.

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Venari Crystalsmith

Same as Meriput Magician. She is in here for the Tank Heal. The extra range damage helps a bit too.

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Stitch Leech

His Sneak ability gives an extra angle to attack the opponent from each side.

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Doctor Blight

I believe Doctor Blight is a very strong contender in this series. There's very limited Cleanse ability in this series and his Affliction ability that removes the opponent's Heal and Tank Heal disrupts a lot of build in this series.

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Avina of the Wolf grants the Heal ability to Bera Dallin. Bera Dallin's Taunt takes all of the opponent's attacks and redirect it to her. Along with the Heal, there are other two Tank Heals supporting her allowing her to get back to full health at every round.

Doctor Blight is added for the Affliction ability to prevent opponent's heals and tank heal while Stitch Leech slowly munch the opponent's monsters from the other side.

> > Click here to view the full battle < <

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To be completely honest, even though the monsters are a bit stronger now compared to others, even though the Summoner Tactics are really interesting this Rebellion series, it felt pretty mild for me.

Most of the summoners, there's not even a contest of "which ability would I use this game" because there was a big imbalance between the choices. In the case of Avina of the Wolf, the two choices are +2 speed to 2 monsters vs Heal ability to 1 monster.

I cannot think of a reason when not to use the +2 speed except for the rules of combat stated above. But then, say the rules were Reverse Speed or Healed Out, why would I use her instead of Chaos Legion summoners?

I think they should update these summoners for a better choice such as Dragon Rebellion's Akane, which makes you choose between Lookout ability or Ambush ability. It's a choice between, "would I be offensive or defensive this game?"

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With Avina of the Wolf, I think a better choice would be between, Heal ability to 1 monster or +2 "stackable" Health to 2 monsters. The +4 health on one monster is very enticing as it gives you instant health that you can use immediately. It can also help your Tank Heal monsters to increase their Tank Heal restoration amount. However, on the other hand, Heal is also enticing as it restores your monster's health per round but at the risk of being bursted for damage.

Lastly, I feel like +2 is very weak for defensive stats and should be +4. While a +2 melee damage vs a strong ability is something you may ask yourself, a +2 stat vs a strong ability, the strong ability is always the answer.

This slightly removes the purpose of Summoner Tactics where you adjust your choices based on the strategies for that battle rather than choosing a +2 Speed rather than Heal ability because you don't have a choice.

This is only my opinion and based on the battles I've done so far as it feels the Rebellion summoners quite underwhelming than it was hyped for.

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  • This post is an entry for Splinterlands Social Media Contest.
  • Animated Banners and Dividers are edited in Canva Pro.
  • Other sources that I do not own are cited under their respective photos.
  • Some of the fonts used are from

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