Z nějakého důvodu, nesnažím se mu porozumět, se začala cena SPS a karet zvedat. Trochu jsem hrál. Samozřejmě, hrubě se mi to nevyplatí. Dosáhl bych na zlatou ligu, ale nemám na ni karty. Hraju ručně... Toho času!
Match Report
Stat | #wild |
Silver Rank | 903 |
Rating | 1915 - Silver I |
Rating High | 1915 |
Ratio (Win/Loss) | 1.25 (175/140) |
Longest Streak | 8 |
Zainvestoval jsem. Asi 2 až 3 USD. Moje efektivita opět rapidně stoupla.
Rewards Report
Standard Foil Cards
Rarity | Quantity |
Common | 56 |
Rare | 23 |
Epic | 0 |
Legendary | 0 |
Total Standard | 79 |
Gold Foil Cards
Rarity | Quantity |
Common | 2 |
Rare | 0 |
Epic | 0 |
Legendary | 0 |
Total Gold | 2 |
Loot Chests
Reward Chests | Dailies | Season | Total | 💲Token |
Legendary Potions | 14 | 0 | 14 | 🟡 560 |
Alchemy Potions | 13 | 11 | 24 | 🟡 1200 |
DEC | 0 | 0 | - | 🟣 0 |
SPS | 5.323 | 2.743 | - | ⭐ 8.066 |
Merits | 145 | 21 | - | 🎀 166 |
CHAOS Packs | 0 | 0 | 0 | 🟡 0 |
Cards (Total) | 62 | 19 | 81 | - |
Captured DEC/SPS (Ranked Rewards)
Ranked Play Wins | DEC Earned |
175 | 🟣 0 + ⭐11.357 |
Total Ranked Play Rewards
Total Ranked Play Earnings |
🟣 0 DEC |
🟡 1760 CREDITS |
⭐ 19.423 SPS |
Nic zajímavého jsem nedostal. Pokud něco potřebuju, musím si to koupit. Nevylučuju, že bych nějaké investice ještě udělal...
🟣 Rental Report
Type | DEC |
Revenue | 10.449 |
Expenses (inc. fees) | (0.413) |
Cancellation Refunds | 0.000 |
NET | 10.036 |
Vypadá to, že trh se začíná pozvolna hýbat. Mám z toho za sezonu asi 10 DEC. Tedy nic.
⭐ SPS Report
Type | ⭐ Amount |
Staking Rewards | 8.211 |
Ranked Rewards as above | 19.423 |
Brawl Rewards | 32.901 |
NET SPS | 60.535 |
+ Voucher Drops | 0.882 🎟️ |
Kdo ví... Třeba z toho ještě něco bude.
Jediné, na co se mohu spoléhat, je, že dyž je štěstí unavený, sedne i na vola.
Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card (Website|Blog).
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
Follow @splinterstats and come visit us in Discord if you have any questions.