Card Highlights #2: Captain's Ghost

ARRRRGGHHH!!! It's time to take a look on another card. This is a really strong card that you should be using at any rating or league division. Now, are you ready, kids? I can't hear you!!!!!!!

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Card Highlights #2: Captain's Ghost

This card is VERY VERY VERY UNDERRATED. Every season, I only see someone using this like once or twice at most. I use Captain's Ghost every time as it is a veeeeeeery strong card. I cannot stress it enough. You can say it's a cheaper version of Oshannus and since it is cheaper, I don't really know why you're not using this.

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The Captain of a great pirate ship perished in a battle against Old Frank, one of the most ruthless Sea Monsters of the Splinterlands as his ship was dragged under. While he died, the burning desire for the treasure the Captain was seeking ripped his soul from his body. The Captain simply could not cope with the fact that he would never behold the treasure, so he defied reality and life itself. As his lifeless body sank with the ship, the Ghost of the Captain sprang for the surface and began to wander the Splinterlands, lost and seeking a hopeless treasure that he would never find. After nearly a hundred years of wandering, the Captain has finally chosen to appear in battle at Mount Mox. The mere sight of his ghostly presence is enough for many opponents to collapse in fear.
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Rental Cost

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As I said, this card is really cheap. Imagine that this is already a gold card and you can rent it for less than 15 DEC. The non-foil version of this card can be rented for less than 1 DEC.

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Buy/Sell Cost

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Card Stats

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Captain's Ghost has really great stats. It has low speed but high health. He has great damage as well especially since it is magic damage. The slow speed does not hinder his hit rate as magic damage never misses. It's a great card overall.

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Card Effect

Affliction: When a Monster with Affliction hits a target, it has a 50% chance of applying Affliction on the target causing it to be unable to be healed.
As I stated, Captain's Ghost's ability is VERY UNDERRATED. "Affliction Kills Builds." There are two strong versions of tanks in the game, first is "Double Tank" meaning you use two tanks on the first and second position and what I call, "Heal Tanks". Heal tanks uses monsters with High Health combo'ed with a Tank Heal (Kraken+Crustacean King) or multi heals (Sea Monster + Crustacean King). The second one is more common because it is more efficient and Affliction kills these builds.

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When to use

All the time. There is only a few times that you shouldn't use Captain's Ghost which I would indicate below. Affliction covers a lot of builds like and due to Captain's Ghost's stats, you should really be using this card specially if you run a water mage build.

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When not to use

The most important would be low mana fights. Including this card in low mana fights removes you the ability to put more cards on the board due to its high mana cost.
Another one is Equaliser with low mana. It is a double edge sword with Equaliser as you will probably increase your opponent's health if you use Captain's Ghost. If you have high mana battles, this would be beneficial as this would be the base health of your mages meaning, Ice Pixie with 7 health instead of 2, for example.

Equaliser: The initial Health of all Monsters is equal to that of the Monster on either team with the highest base Health.


This is the positioning I used for this battle:


I used a soft Triple Tank in order to protect Venari Wavesmith in case my opponent use some shenanigans. I consider it as a triple tank because Captain's Ghost can also be a tank due to his health. I would normally put Captain's Ghost behind Kelp but since I have extra mana, I added Gelatinous Cube to it. I also normally don't put any cards with melee damage as tanks because Green Deck is a soft/hard counter to mages. If the opponent uses Mylor Crowling or any character with thorns ability, your frontline would crumble like house of cards. This positioning has multi layered defense and is adaptable to most kinds of threats. I can discuss EVERYTHING but this blog would be boring as heck so I would save the other stuff for the next ones. wink wink

Round 1

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At end of round 1, my opponent's tank dies. This is why it's important to use multi layered tanks. Even if they kill my Kelp on first round, I have Cube to drain the damage for the next few rounds. Even if, by miracle, they kill Cube, I still have Captain's Ghost to act as a soft tank.

Round 2

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Game immediately ends in round 2. Most mages have low health and thus, having a solid tank is crucial. If he used another tank, probably Torhilo or someone with void, as the first then put Peaceful Giant second, even if he would have less damage, he might have a better chance of winning this game.

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  • Battle photos are taken from Splinterlands in-game website. To view the full game, click on this link.
  • I do not own any of the animated pictures except for the battle one. Visit Giphy to get more information.

    Happy Holidays. Good luck. Have fun.


Thank you for all the upvotes. I appreciate the support. :)
