My Rebellion Buying Strategy + My Season 121 in the Modern Format (ENG/ITA)


Cover Image: Splinterlands Logo images owned by @splinterlands - Cover Edit by @libertycrypto27 - Fonts used are Open Source

La versione in italiano è subito dopo la versione in inglese - The Italian version is immediately after the English version


My Rebellion Buying Strategy + My Season 121 in the Modern Format


The Rebellion Presale is underway and will end in about 18 days unless all 500K Rebellion packs available for purchase during the presale are sold before 18 days.


Today while calculating the difference of the dollar cost of 1 Rebellion pack between the Splinterlands Shop and Hive Engine/TribalDex I decided my purchasing strategy for the Rebellion set.

In the table below you can see the market values of HIVE, VOUCHER and DEC tokens (October 30, 2023).


Based on the market values I showed you above buying a Rebellion pack has a cost of:

  • 4000 DEC + 5 VOUCHER = 3.8327$ if purchased from the Shop at Splinterlands
  • 8.85 SWAP.HIVE = 3.0356$ if purchased on Hive Engine/Tribaldex


The cost difference is 0.7971$ and is in favor of purchasing from Hive Engine.

Purchasing Rebellion packs from the Splinterlands Shop allows you to participate in two Presale airdrop cards and allows for bulk bonuses when purchasing 100+ packs in a single transaction.


According to my personal evaluation (not a financial advice) the presale benefits (promo cards) are not worth more than $0.30 - $0.40 per pack and for this reason as long as there is much cost difference between buying from the Shop and from Hive Engine I will prefer to buy Rebellion packs from Hive Engine.

With the savings I will get from buying the Rebellion packs I can always buy Promo cards from the Marketplace.

Alternatively I could consider participating in a purchase pool but only if the goal of the purchase pool is to buy more than 2000 Rebellion packs in one transaction because in this case the cost per pack is $3.3518.


I really enjoy playing Splinterlands but only in the Modern Format where there are no bots.
The Rebellion set cards will introduce new game dynamics and new fun and my goal is to purchase as many Rebellion packs/cards as I can.

To date, I have purchased 10 Rebellion packs on Hive Engine.


My strategy for the Rebellion set will be as follows:

  • I will purchase the Rebellion packs on Hive Engine if the cost difference is at least $0.40
  • when the general sale starts I will purchase the Rebellion cards that I consider most useful in battle for me based on the cards from the Chaos Legion and Riftwatchers sets that I have in my collection.
  • to purchase the packs and cards of the Rebellion set I will use 50% of the HBD I have in my wallet today + 50% of the HBD I will accumulate between now and December 5, 2023.



My Season 121 in Modern Format: Results and Considerations


Today October 30, 2023 the season number 121 of Splinterlands ended.
For me it was a good season but also a test season because even though in season 120 I could advance in the Diamond leagues I chose not to advance to see if in season 121 earning only Gold chests would earn me more or less than in the situation where I could earn Diamond chests (seasonal reward) and Gold chests by playing in the Gold leagues.

In season 121 I earned a total seasonal reward of slightly less dollar value than in season 120.
In season 120 I opened 120 Gold chests and 45 Diamond chests.
In season 121 I opened 160 Gold chests.


A difference in value of about $2 that almost cancels out when I consider that a dollar value difference is due to the smaller number of Chaos legion packs I found during season 121 compared to season 120 (2 vs. 3).

I ended season 121 at place 204 in the Modern Format's Gold Ranking with a rating = 2556.


In season 120 I was ranked 70 in the Gold rankings, so my game results in season 121 were worse than in the previous season.

In season 121 my win rate decreased from 50.42% to 45.30%.


I need to improve my strategic choices and I especially need to avoid losing so many battles due to time running out because I often play one battle and at the same time do two-three other things in parallel. I am a multitasking sicko :) LOL

With a 16 wins less than the previous season, the total SPS tokens I earned from my battle victories has decreased.


As a result, my gain in SPS tokens per battle victory has decreased: -0.1446 SPS per battle won compared to the previous season.


Despite having worse game results than the previous season I consider season 121 a positive season because I increased the total amount of staked SPS tokens in my possession and am now close to exceeding the threshold of 73K staked SPS.


In the screenshot below you can see the full report of the rewards I earned in season 121 (source: (potions value excluded))


Screenshot from:

During season 121 I made steps forward in accumulation and upgrading of soulbound cards:

  • Common Regular: 43% -> 46%
  • Common Gold: 14%
  • Rare Regular: 36% -> 38%
  • Rare Gold: 14% -> 16%
  • Epic Regular: 24% -> 27%
  • Epic Gold: 3%
  • Legendary Regular: 10% -> 11%
  • Legendary Gold: 6% -> 10%


Screenshot from:

I am happy to have added a third level GF legendary soulbound card to my collection.
In one of my seasonal reward chests I found 2 BCX of FEREXIAN HERO in Gold version.


I immediately combined the two BCXs and now I have a card that will be very useful in battles with the Explosive Weaponery ruleset and where only cards with melee attack can be used because I will be able to line up a new card with the Reflection Shield ability.


I also found 2 BCX of the legendary card Terraceous Hulk.
I already had 1 BCX and today I was able to combine 3 BCXs to upgrade to level 2 and increase the attack points and life points of my Terraceous Hulk.


I continue to set growth goals on Splinterlands, hope that bots will be eliminated completely from Splinterlands, continue to increase the battle strength of my collection of usable cards in the Modern Format where there are no bots, and look forward with much excitement to the start of the general sale of the Rebellion set, phase 1.5 of lands, and the fully playable versions of Genesis League Soccer and Soulkeep that will expand the Splinterlands ecosystem

I hope I have given you useful information and thank you for taking the time to read my post :)

#Splinterlands = #Hive based #Play2Earn!



Are you not a Splinterlands player?


If you decide to register on Splinterlands, you can do it from this link:

of course if you'd like to use my refferal link... :)

Any game that allows the purchase of NFTs and tokens is never just a game but is also an investment and should always be considered as such.
I am not a financial advisor and if you decide to invest in the Splinterlands game you do so by your own choice, after making your personal evaluations and after considering all possible risk factors.

My advice is to always invest only what you can afford to lose with a light heart!

See you on the battlefields of Splinterlands.


A selection of my previous Splinterlands posts


Rebellion Presale - 1 Day After: Total Cost Calculation of 5 Purchase Cases + My Buying Strategy (ENG/ITA)Splinterlands Lands Phase 1.5: Focus on Worker Cards, Production Points and Terrains - Examples + Considerations (ENG/ITA)How to Quickly Calculate the Hourly Production of Your Splinterlands Lands + An Example of Production Points Optimization (ENG/ITA)
Possible effects of Lands, Rebellion and Soulkeep on DEC, SPS + My Strategy! (ENG/ITA)Bye-bye Byzantine Kitty for real players and Splinterlands lovers! Why bots should be removed from Wild Format before the release of Rebellion! (ENG/ITA)Splinterland Staff Reduction and Reorganization: Thoughts and Considerations (ENG/ITA)
Splinterlands: 6 Days Without Bots in Modern Format = More Fun, More SPS Rewards and My Game Goal Reached! + 3 Seasons Comparison (ENG/ITA)Genesis League Goals: My Closed Beta Gaming Experience: My Team Creation, My Feedbacks and My Investment Evaluation (ENG/ITA)New SPS Staking Requirement: Useful Tools, My Battle Rewards and Results + My Road to Diamond I of Modern Format (ENG/ITA)
The Weak Arguments of Pro-Bots. The future of Splinterlands Will Depend on Future Choices about Bots! (ENG/ITA)My Card Collection Optimization: Sell and Buy using Peakmonsters (ENG/ITA)Splinterlands LAND 1.0: Claim, Survey and Buy of Starter Packages: Step by Step guides + Considerations (ENG/ITA)
Seasonal Card Rentals - Renter Side: Step by Step Guide using Splinterlands and PeakmonstersNew Energy System: To buy or not buy the Energy Points? Calculations and SimulationsDEC-SWAP.HIVE Liquidity Pool: Impermanent Loss Explanation and Calculation + Holding VS Liquidity Pool Comparison
How to make a BID from PeakMonsters: step by step guideHow to Buy Cards From Monster Market - Step by Step GuideThe hard hit suffered by Mad-Runner: $50k stolen by @hivewallet94 - Keep your passwords safe!


Unless otherwise indicated, the images in this post are screenshots taken from the sites:

Splinterlands Discord:

Images containing calculations, tables and formulas are my property

The font used in my images or edited by me is Open Source

The dividers with the Hive logo in this post were created by me and if you like them you can use them too, the Hive logo is property of

HIVE ON and Splinterlands ON!


Gif by @splinterlands



Italian Version copia.jpg


La mia strategia di acquisto per il set Rebellion + La mia stagione 121 nel Modern Format



Cover Image: Splinterlands Logo images owned by @splinterlands - Cover Edit by @libertycrypto27 - Fonts used are Open Source


E' in corso la Rebellion Presale che terminerà fra circa 18 giorni a meno che tutti i 500K pacchi Rebellion disponibili all'acquisto durante la presale saranno venduti prima di 22 giorni.


Oggi mentre calcolavo la differenza del costo in dollari di 1 pacco Rebellion tra lo Shop di Splinterlands e Hive Engine/TribalDex ho deciso la mia strategia di acquisto per il set Rebellion.

Nella tabella seguente puoi vedere i valori di mercato dei token HIVE, VOUCHER e DEC (30 ottobre 2023).


In base ai valori di mercato che ti ho mostrato prima acquistare un pacco Rebellion ha un costo di:

  • 4000 DEC + 5 VOUCHER = 3.8327$ se acquistato dallo Shop di Splinterlands
  • 8.85 SWAP.HIVE = 3.0356$ se acquistato su Hive Engine/Tribaldex


La differenza di costo è di 0.7971$ ed è in faveore dell'acquisto da Hive Engine.

Acquistare i pacchi Rebellion dallo Shop di Splinterlands permette di partecipare ai due cards airdrop della Presale e permette di avere dei bulk bonus nel caso di acquisti di 100+ pacchi in una singola transazione.


Secono la mia personale valutazione (non è un consiglio finanziario) i benefici della presale (promo cards) non valgono più di 0.30 - 0.40$ per pacco e per questo motivo fin quando ci sarà molta differenza di costo tra l'acquisto dallo Shop e da Hive Engine preferirò acquistare i pacchi Rebellion da Hive Engine.

In alternativa potrei valutare la partecipazione ad una pool di acquisto ma solo se l'obiettivo della pool di acquisto è di comprare più di 2000 pacchi Rebellion in un'unica transazione perchè in questo caso il costo per pacco è di 3.3518$.


Mi piace molto giocare a Splinterlands ma solo nel Modern Format dove non ci sono bots.
Le carte del set Rebellion introdurranno nuove dinamiche di gioco e nuovo divertimento e il mio obiettivo è di acquistare il maggior numero possibile di pacchi/carte Rebellion in base alle mie possibilità.

Fino ad oggi ho acquistato 10 pacchi Rebellion su Hive Engine.


La mia strategia per il set Rebellion sarà la seguente:

  • acquisterò i pacchi Rebellion su Hive Engine se la differenza di costo sarà di almeno 0.40$
  • quando inizierà la general sale acquisterò le carte Rebellion che considererò più utili in battaglia per me in base alle carte dei set Chaos Legion e Riftwatchers che ho nella mia collezione.
  • per l'acquisto dei pacchi e delle carte del set Rebellion utilizzerò il 50% degli HBD che ho oggi nel mio wallet + il 50% degli HBD che accumulerò da oggi fino al 5 dicembre 2023.



La mia stagione 121 nel Modern Format: Risultati e Considerazioni


Oggi 30 ottobre 2023 è terminata la stagione numero 121 di Splinterlands.
Per me è stata una stagione positiva ma anche di test perchè anche se nella stagione 120 potevo avanzare nelle leghe Diamond ho scelto di non avanzare per vedere se nella stagione 121 guadagnare solo forzieri gold mi avrebbe fatto guadagnare di più o di meno rispetto alla situazione in cui potevo guadagnare forzieri Diamond (ricompensa stagionale) e forzieri Gold giocando nelle leghe Gold.

Nella stagione 121 ho ottenuto una ricompensa totale stagionale di un valore in dollari leggermente inferiore alla stagione 120.
Nella stagione 120 ho aperto 120 forzieri Gold e 45 forzieri Diamond
Nella stagione 121 ho aperto 160 forzieri Gold

Una differenza di valore di circa 2$ che si annulla quasi se considero che un dollaro di valore di differenza è dovuto al minor numero di Chaos legion pack che ho trovato durante la stagione 121 rispetto alla stagione 120 (2 vs 3).

Ho concluso la stagione 121 al posto 204 della classifica Gold del Modern Format con un punteggio di rating = 2556.


Nell stagione 120 ero al 70 posto della classifica Gold e quindi i miei risultati di gioco nella stagione 121 sono stati peggiori rispetto alla stagione precedente.

Nella stagione 121 è diminuito il mio win rate che è passato dal 50.42% al 45.30%.


Devo migliorare le mie scelte strategiche e devo soprattuto evitare di perdere tante battaglie per il tempo scaduto perchè spesso gioco una battaglia e nello stesso tempo faccio altre due-tre cose in parallelo. Sono un malato del multitasking :) LOL

Con un 16 vittorie in meno rispetto alla stagione precedente è diminuito il totale dei token SPS che ho guadagnato dalle mie vittorie in battaglia.


Di conseguenza è diminuito il mio guadagno in token SPS per vittoria in battaglia: -0.1446 SPS per battaglia vinta rispetto alla stagione precedente.


Nonostante ho ottenuto risultati di gioco peggiori rispetto alla stagione precedente considero la stagione 121 una stagione positiva perchè ho incrementato il totale di token SPS staked in mio possesso e adesso sono vicino al superamento della soglia di 73K SPS staked.


Nello screenshot seguente puoi vedere il resoconto completo delle ricompese che ho guadagnato nella stagione 121 (fonte: (potions value excluded))


Screenshot from:

Durante la stagione 121 ho fatto dei passi in avanti nell'accumulo e potenziamento delle carte soulbound:

  • Common Regular: 43% -> 46%
  • Common Gold: 14%
  • Rare Regular: 36% -> 38%
  • Rare Gold: 14% -> 16%
  • Epic Regular: 24% -> 27%
  • Epic Gold: 3%
  • Legendary Regular: 10% -> 11%
  • Legendary Gold: 6% -> 10%


Screenshot from:

Sono contento di aver aggiunto alla mia collezione una carta soulbound leggendaria GF di terzo livello.
In uno dei forzieri della mia ricompensa stagionale ho trovato 2 BCX di FEREXIAN HERO in versione Gold.


Ho subito combinato i due BCX e adesso ho una carta che mi sarà molto utile nelle battaglie con la ruleset Explosive Weaponery e in cui possono essere usate solo le carte con attacco da mischia perchè potrò schierare una nuova carta con l'abilità Reflection Shield.


Ho trovato anche 2 BCX della carta leggendaria Terraceous Hulk.
Avevo già 1 BCX e oggi ho potuto combinare 3 BCX per fare l'upgrade al livello 2 e aumentare i punti attacco e i punti vita del mio Terraceous Hulk.


Io continuo a pormi obiettivi di crescita su Splinterlands, spero che i bots siano eliminati completamente da Splinterlands, continuo ad aumentare la forza in battaglia della mia collezione di carte utilizzabile nel Modern Format dove non ci sono i bots e aspetto con molta eccitazione l'inizio della general sale del set Rebellion, la fase 1.5 delle lands e le versioni completamente giocabili di Genesis League Soccer e Soulkeep che espanderanno l'ecosistema di Splinterlands

Spero di averti dato informazioni utili e ti ringrazio per aver dedicato il tuo tempo alla lettura di questo post :)

#Splinterlands = #Hive Based #Play2Earn!


Non sei un giocatore di Splinterlands?


Se decidi di registrarti su Splinterlands, puoi farlo da questo link:

ovviamente se hai piacere ad usare il mio refferal link... :)

Ogni gioco che permette l'acquisto di NFT e di token non è mai un semplice gioco ma è anche un investimento e come tale deve sempre essere considerato.
Io non sono un consulente finanziario e se decidi di investire nel gioco di Splinterlands lo fai per tua scelta, dopo aver fatto le tue personali valutazioni e dopo aver considerato tutti i possibili fattori di rischio.

Il mio consiglio è di investire sempre e solo quello che puoi permetterti di perdere a cuor leggero!


Una selezione dei miei post su Splinterlands


Untamed Cards out of Monder Format after Rebellion Release: Considerations + My Possible Strategies (ENG/ITA)Splinterlands Lands Phase 1.5: Focus on Worker Cards, Production Points and Terrains - Examples + Considerations (ENG/ITA)How to Quickly Calculate the Hourly Production of Your Splinterlands Lands + An Example of Production Points Optimization (ENG/ITA)
Possible effects of Lands, Rebellion and Soulkeep on DEC, SPS + My Strategy! (ENG/ITA)Bye-bye Byzantine Kitty for real players and Splinterlands lovers! Why bots should be removed from Wild Format before the release of Rebellion! (ENG/ITA)Splinterland Staff Reduction and Reorganization: Thoughts and Considerations (ENG/ITA)
Splinterlands: 6 Days Without Bots in Modern Format = More Fun, More SPS Rewards and My Game Goal Reached! + 3 Seasons Comparison (ENG/ITA)Genesis League Goals: My Closed Beta Gaming Experience: My Team Creation, My Feedbacks and My Investment Evaluation (ENG/ITA)New SPS Staking Requirement: Useful Tools, My Battle Rewards and Results + My Road to Diamond I of Modern Format (ENG/ITA)
The Weak Arguments of Pro-Bots. The future of Splinterlands Will Depend on Future Choices about Bots! (ENG/ITA)My Card Collection Optimization: Sell and Buy using Peakmonsters (ENG/ITA)Splinterlands LAND 1.0: Claim, Survey and Buy of Starter Packages: Step by Step guides + Considerations (ENG/ITA)
Seasonal Card Rentals - Renter Side: Step by Step Guide using Splinterlands and PeakmonstersNew Energy System: To buy or not buy the Energy Points? Calculations and SimulationsDEC-SWAP.HIVE Liquidity Pool: Impermanent Loss Explanation and Calculation + Holding VS Liquidity Pool Comparison
How to make a BID from PeakMonsters: step by step guideHow to Buy Cards From Monster Market - Step by Step GuideThe hard hit suffered by Mad-Runner: $50k stolen by @hivewallet94 - Keep your passwords safe!


Se non diversamente indicato, le immagini presenti in questo post sono screenshots presi dai siti:

Splinterlands Discord:

Le immagini che contengono calcoli, tabelle e formule sono di mia proprietà

Il font usato nelle immagini mie o da me editate è Open Source

The dividers with the Hive logo in this post were created by me and if you like them you can use them too, the Hive logo is property of

Gif by @splinterlands





$PIZZA slices delivered:
curation-cartel tipped libertycrypto27
underlock tipped libertycrypto27
arc7icwolf tipped libertycrypto27
@libertycrypto27(10/15) tipped @speedtuning
libertycrypto27 tipped underlock
libertycrypto27 tipped arc7icwolf
speedtuning tipped libertycrypto27


Che bello Ferexian Hero in versione Gold! :)



Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO - 0.005 SCRAP tokens

remaining commands 5


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444


Assolutamente si e secondo me è il livello in cui può essere utile perchè senza Reflection Shield ci sono altre carte decisamente migliori ;)




@libertycrypto27! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ pepetoken. (1/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.




@pepetoken! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ libertycrypto27. (3/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.


very nice. you get 2 legendarys 👍👍👍





Che onore dopo tanto ti invio il mio supporto.

@tipu curate



I think that is a decent rebellion strategy and the win rate has definitely been tough. I tried to push myself to Gold II but I kept losing. All of my opponents had max capped cards for gold league but I didn't.


thanks my friend

All of my opponents had max capped cards for gold league but I didn't.
The same thing happens to me when I play in the diamond leagues my win rate drops even more





Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO - 0.005 SCRAP tokens

remaining commands 14


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444


You're a fantastic game player
You played very well. It was excellent!


Now that the market is down and prices are low, it's a good time to shop and buy good cards so that one can win more games during the next season.
