RE: Calendar Giveaway + Winner - 19 April 2024 (Ratings!)


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Hello brother,

1500 Glint for 2 rare, I think it is unjust to get such a meek reward when the chests do all types of cards including gold foil. !PGM πŸ™„

I don't know if any other project becomes that successful like SPLD, because you see all the current projects can't even start Alpha, even WOO is just running here and there and no play 2 earn games yet so far. This kind of behavior creates a rift between investors and organizers. πŸ€” !LOLZ

Good, I'll see if I can swap some of the HBD as I have not used it anywhere other than standing still, my activities are not so much on Hive except SPLD. 😍 !LUV

Even in April you have this kind of weather, pretty strange, it should end by end of Feb. Here we have no rain just clouds and humidity.

I am good in Wild as I don't have high level cards, so earning 1 SPS per 5 battles at the moment, I think it is better than nothing. hhehe πŸ˜ƒ

Wow! I would love to be part of bicycle tour, it is always refreshing to roam around on a bike and see the things around. Good for health and have a lovely ride.

Wish you a best weekend start and make your game on another level to bring some profits.

Rating 7


Hello my friend,

I agree that the rewards are cut half or more and it is just a wasting time to fight for Glint. Better get some SPS from the battles and try to get out in profit. !LOLZ πŸ˜…

Yeah I understand all the projects are standing still in alpha nad beta and nothing more serious. Star Atlas made some nice improvements, but the SOlana chain is very slow and more expensive than HIVE and their web gameplay is a bit confusing. I had sold all my ships and I am staking a mining base only, which gives me some resources to sell on the market. !LUV πŸ˜‰

The weather is bad right now and even if it is sunny the air is cold and windy. I hope this will end soon and we can finally enjoy the temp over 20. !PGM 😊

I just arrived home not long ago and I am pretty tired plus tomorrow I have to work again. I try to go to bed early, but I do not think it will be possible. 😜

The tour was nice we biked around 65km and because we got electric bikes it was quite easy to pedal, but tiring to focus and sit so long. THe whole tour took around 4-5 hours and we stopped in few places and to taste some nice wine. πŸ˜‡

Wishing you a lot of rest and luck playing the game. Also take care to your family and yourself. πŸ˜‰
