Let's open 54 Gladius packs in Splinterlands



What’s up my fellow splinterlands warriors!

I hope all of you are having an awesome day going, it’s evening here and it rain a lot throughout the day in here. I enjoyed the day locked at my town home enjoying the rain with music or browsing and playing Splinterlands. Another ranked season just ended in this game and seasonal rewards got distributed among the players based on their performance throughout the season and I hope that by now, all of you have already opened your season reward chests! The new ranked season has begun on the other hand and we have another 14 long days for this one to end and in the meantime, let us play and win with our best to gather more daily and seasonal reward chests + staked SPS Token on every ranked match win. But which league tier we reached in the last season will be reset down, for me as I finished playing the last season while in Diamond I, my place got reset down to Diamond III but thank God at least I am at the same league. I am also increasing my SPS stake with full force over time and am very close to staking a total of 100k SPS and no doubt, the SPS stake is helping me to earn a decent amount of SPS per ranked match win.


As for my season performance, I played a total of 308 matches and playing on a daily basis and utilizing my energy bar throughout the season was helping playing more matches without spending extra dec after energies. However, unlike my previous seasons where I collected total of around 110 season chests, my season reward chests count has decreased by a lot for this season and, I was able to collect only 82 chests in season rewards. Another cause of it is that I didn't play the ranked matches for the last 3 days straight as I already reached the top 1 position while playing and decided to completely stop playing and to see if anyone crosses me. But luckily, it seems like no one tried that hard during the last few days and my top place remained intact and hence, I won a fat amount of 100k dec as Diamond league leaderboard top prize. Well, Now that's sweet win and a cherry on top of my season rewards. Anyways, as the season rewards got claimable, I clicked and chose open all at once to enjoy the intense moment of seeing them pop out one after another. And after seeing them all being opened up, I was quite happy because this time I had grabbed some nice rewards in spite of having lower number of season chests than usual. Now without further ado, let me share the season rewards outcome at below.



As you can see from the screenshots above, I got a total of 11 gold foil common cards and for regular foils, I got a total of 3 legendary cards, no epic cards and all rest as rare and common cards. I also was lucky enough to collect 751.83 SPS from all those season chests and 1,533 merits and a lot of potions again, but the main attraction of this opening is obviously the 6 chaos Pack and my favourite as well. I am saving all those chaos packs that I am getting for a while now and after adding today’s gathering, I now have total 33 chaos packs. As the chaos packs are sold out in the official market and their price also rising lately in hive-engine, I decided to hold them for now and also save the one I get in the future.



After opening the season rewards, I also thought to check my current merits balance in the guild page. Now, I have been actively playing brawls and ranked matches so was collecting good amount of merits over time but I didn't look after them quite some time. As I went and checked out, I got surprised to see over 100k merits sitting idle in my account. I have exactly 109,319 merits which would buy me over 50 Gladius packs. So, without thinking much I immediately went to buy those Packs and bought 54 Gladius packs. Quickly after buying them, I also opened all of them together and below I have shared the outcome.




As you can see from the screenshots above, I got total 2 gold foil common cards and in regular foils, I won total 4 legendary cards, 12 epic cards, 75 rare cards and the rest common cards. The best pulls from this outcome I would say the 3 x Quora Nightshade and the legendary ones. I currently have a level 3 Quora and trying to get more cards to reach the next level so every card counts and finally luck 🍀 shined in my side and I pulled not just one but 3 of them. Also, I was lacking legendary Gladius cards in my account as they are really super rare to get, but finally getting 4 peg cards at once really felt my heart and the legendary section too. Among those leg cards, I got both the Xulax Nightwind and Larissa Kerato for the first time and till now I didn't have any BCX of it in my account. My common and rare Gladius cards are already near Gold league level, but the case is not the same for many of my epic and legendary cards as I have still some cards at a pretty low level. Now that these Gladius series cards are even more important to have because of their added usability in ranked and tournament matches, right now having upgraded Gladius cards while playing is a must-have situation. So, this time, I really want to cheer about this pull and from now, I will be saving a pile of merits again and open at least 50 packs again and try my luck once again soon.

I hope all of you loved watching my season rewards and the Gladius packs opening outcome and also liked reading my post. Please let me know what’s your favourite Gladius card in the comments below and I will be seeing you all in my next post.


Wish you all good luck on all of your future Splinterlands matches.

Thanks for visiting my post, Please come again!
Stay well and keep playing Splinterlands!

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Posted using Splintertalk


Wow how do you even save up 100k Merits and not touch them?
I will definitely not have the same patience to "save", would always use it up whenever I have the opportunity to buy even a single Gladius case 😅


Haha.. i am opening them for a long while but was unlucky to pull good cards, thats where i thought to save a bulk and olen all at once, and looks like it brought me way better outcome 😂


With that amount of Gladius case, you're bound to get something good I guess 😅
Looking forward to your next bulk opening 😂


Youve saved up so many points.that required a lot of patience my friend.


Haha.. thanks my man, I just forgot about them for a long while and that’s what made me save so much!


Excellent rewards buddy.. and congratulations for being the 'leaderboard hero'..
