Opening Season End rewards for December

Alrighty, another season ends and with much anticipation, we open the rewards that we have reached Bronze 2.

I was a few wins shy of reaching Bronze 1 but I am hoping that when I open my Chaos Card Packs tomorrow that I get a couple of awesome cards that I can level up and own.

12.31 rewards.jpg

The word to describe opening the rewards is disappointing.

Less than 50 credits, 2 lotions and just one rare card that costs 7 mana. While the flying and close range means that even if this gets to melee range the monster will still be able to attack but it is too high for my taste and just having 3 health and 1 shield it can quickly die especially if against magic attacks.

So just have to continue playing, earning DEC and credits and buying cards in order to make my deck better.

Till the next season!


Ghad, your opening is better than mine... 🤣

Happy New Year, and wish you the best pack openings!
