Splinterlands Art Contest Week 235! : Yodin Zaku

My created illustration


Yodin Zaku is a powerful summoner in Splinterlands, and as a result, it is a popular card among all players. This time, I have created a new variant of Yodin Zaku for the art contest or, in other words, I have decorated Yodin Zaku in a new way.

And to do this I have taken the help of AI. First I created an illustration of Yodin Zaku using Illustrator software. Since Yodin Zaku is a powerful card, I drew a powerful muscular body with the pen tool to give it a powerful look. And added a powerful dress to make it look like a warrior. We usually see these types of dresses in animated movies.


I drew the head part as it is on Yodin Zaku's card and blended it with the body.All colors used here are selected by me. I have seen a lot of art for this and have selected these and used them here. Although it took a long time to do so. Because many of the colors I've used have matched them perfectly. Here I have given pictures of some of the process of draw it.

Finally, I exported it to a JPG file. I have a habit of searching for similar illustrations with Google Lens after creating a new one. Google suggests many similar arts, which can provide ideas to make the art more beautiful. This is especially useful for me, as I am not a high-level artist, and I struggle with choosing colors. Google Lens helps a lot with color selection.


However, this time when I added my illustration to Google Lens and searched, they suggested several arts of Lion-O from ThunderCats. Got a pretty good idea. After that I changed many places of my illustration.

So after that I added my illustration to lexica.art AI and just typed ThunderCats at the prompt. AI has generated four fantastic images here. Everything is perfect. I just ran the command once and these images were generated. And out of the four I like this one. I would like to make many more variations of this but this one looks very good. You can understand how I did this by looking at the picture below.


I have used lexica.art AI many times before and I have done a few posts about it. The result of artist and AI working together is in front of you. Let me know how you like it. thank you


