Reflection Shield to counter Blast Ability

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I'm sharing my three-rule battle that includes explosive weaponry, noxious fumes, and rise of commons. This week's challenge revolves around explosive weaponry, and I'll explain what this rule entails and how to deal with it. The rule also imposes a maximum mana limit of 28, and the allowed elements for this battle are life, dragon, and earth.

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For this battle, I will be selecting the dragon element paired with life. Quix the Devious will be my summoner.

Pelacor Conjurer Lvl 10No attack, 5 speed, 8 healthFlying, Magic Reflect, Devine Shield, Phase
Corsair Boson Lvl 55 melee attack, 3 speed, 5 armor, 7 healthReach, Reflection Shield, Cleanse
Venari Marksrat Lvl 61 range attack, 3 speed, 4 healthMartyr, Snare
Stitch Leech Lvl 83 melee attack, 3 speed, 4 healthSneak, Life leech
Venari Crystalsmith Lvl 83 range attack, 4 speed, 6 healthTank heal, Dispel
Naga Assassin Lvl 82 range attack, 6 speed, 5 healthBackfire, Swiftness

For this battle, we have used the same summoner and life element. The only difference now is the lineup. My opponent has used Pelacor Conjurer, Xenith Monk, Venary Crystalsmith, Time Mage, Supply Runner, and Naga Assassin.

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See link for the full video.

Round 1

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Round 2

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Round 3

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Speed is key when it comes to explosive weaponry, and my opponent has taken advantage of that. They chose two monsters with speed increase while having one monster with slow. This scenario puts me at a disadvantage. However, there were several key factors that contributed to my victory:.

  1. I gained an advantage by placing a monster with a reflection shield in the second position of my lineup. Even though my opponent had a better chance of hitting my first position monster, it did not inflict damage on my second position monsters due to the reflection shield
  2. I have a support monster with tank heal ability that heals my first position, making it difficult for my enemy to eliminate
  3. I have monsters with the sneak ability, which allows them to slowly eliminate the backline of my opponent.
  4. The presence of noxious fumes has made this battle faster, and I consider myself lucky to have it on my side.

Thank you for your time, and I hope this information will be helpful in your battles. Follow my referral link and join us in quests in Splinterlands:


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