Life Hacks 101


Hello guys, hope y'all had a good day? Welcome to my blog !


With plenty to-do lists, demanding Time, and not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything, life may be stressful and difficult at times. Because of this, introducing a few secret hacks into our daily activities and lives could help us enhance our ability to save time, money, physical and mental health.

Everyone have their unique and different hacks and methods for improving the way we live on a daily basis. It could be a quick method for laundry, a money-saving grocery shopping plan, or a means to increase productivity in the workplace.

These secret hacks might not look important or seem much, yet they can have a great effect on our daily living and general well-being.

One of my favorite secret weapons for making life easier is meal planning. After service every Sunday, I sit down and plan out all of our meals for the week, considering our schedule for the week, diets we prefer, and what we have already stocked up in the fridge.

This hack does not only saves me time during the week since I don't have to stress about what to make for breakfast , lunch or dinner , but it also helps me save money by avoiding outside or takeaway meals.

Another secret hack in my daily routine is setting aside a few minutes each morning to select and choose my tasks for the day. I do that by simply creating a to-do list with timing and with the most important and stressful tasks at the top, and I make sure to do those tasks first before moving on to less urgent tasks.

This simple hack has helped me become more productive and focused throughout the day and it also makes me have a less stressful day.

When it comes to doing laundry , my secret hack is using a laundry wardrobe or drawer with separate compartments for whites, darks, and other colours.

This saves me time when sorting through piles of clothes, and it also helps me yo know which one really needs to be washed and what can wait for another day if not possible to wash that day. it also prevents me from accidentally spoiling my good and expensive clothes by washing it with the wrong colors.

Another hack is Setting aside particular days to do different types of laundry—for example, whites on Mondays, darks on Wednesdays, and other colours on Saturday.

By doing so, i can prevent becoming overwhelmed by a pile of clothes by helping me reduce the amount of clothes to be washed.

For saving money on groceries, my secret hack is creating a good and detailed shopping list based on our meal plan for the week. I make sure to stick to the list and avoid buying other things that are not necessary and needed at that time, which helps me save money and also prevent food waste.

I also like to shop foodstuffs in bulk whenever possible to help me save and manage money.

Like I said, Everybody has unique hacks that make daily living easier. We could also help others by sharing our own ideas and methods, whether they're easy time-saving or money-saving.

Thanks for reading...

I am @mummygo


I also like to shop foodstuffs in bulk whenever possible to help me save and manage money.

Buying food stuff in bulk really helps in saving money. My mom taught me this practice


When it comes to doing laundry , my secret hack is using a laundry wardrobe or drawer with separate compartments for whites, darks, and other colours

Wow we learn everyday,I have learnt something new actually I have learnt a lot. Thank you very much 😊
