Respondiendo dudas sobre Splinterlands - Parte I


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  • Todo el audio del video lo encontraran traducido al ingles abajo.

Navegando por mi feed de Twitter me he dado cuenta de que hay muchos jugadores nuevos en el ecosistema que están en un limbo total en Splinterlands. @bolsadeplomo es uno de ellos así que decidí ayudar al peluche. Le pedí que me preguntara todas sus dudas para aclarárselas en un video y este fue el resultado.

La idea es cada semana encontrar a un jugador con dudas y ayudarlo a resolverlas para que asi poco a poco, todos vayan creciendo como jugadores, que al final somos nosotros los que mantenemos activa la comunidad y claro que quiero enfrentarme a Bolsa un dia, cuando ambos estemos asi:


  • All the audio from the video is translated to english below.

The other day I was making scroll over my Twitter feed I noticed that there are a lot of new players who are in total limbo in Splinterlands. @bolsadeplomo is one of them so I decided to help the plushie. I asked him to ask me all his doubts to clarify them in a video and this was the result.

The idea of this new serie of post is every week to find a new player with doubts about something on the game and help him to solve them so that little by little, everyone will grow as players, at the end we are the ones who keep the community active and of course I want to face Bolsa one day, when we are both like this:



This is the translation from the video's audio.

Welcome to a new video about Splinterlands, today I'm going to start a series that I hope will be very long, in which I will answer directly to the questions that new players ask me, that have doubts or that don't master certain aspects of Splinterlands, because I have realized that every time the learning curve is more difficult because there is a lot of content there. We all go through that and it is a good practice that those of us who have already passed that stage help those who are starting that path.

This week the chosen one was @bolsadeplomo, in the description you will find his user, this puppet just started his way in the game and quoting his words, he is being a victim of coitus against his will so let's try to change that. Let's not give it another thought and let's go with the questions.


Number 1: how the hell do I raise FP faster?

To answer this I have to talk about what you should not do, first: That the cards are property cards, the default game gives you a set of cards called ghosts which you can use in battle but these do not count for the total sum of the focus points, the more ghost cards you use, the less points you earn. Then there is a card level system, although this doesn't affect bronze so I won't explain it now, but from silver onwards it does. Of course the second thing is to focus on winning games because each energy counts a lot. Another point you must take into account is the league in which you play, in Bronze III you earn much less points than in Bronze I and so on as you go up the league, if you look at the summary of points tells you everything you must do to raise them, winning consecutive games gives you bonus, use the cards of your focus also, use golden cards or Alpha Promo and Beta editions and finally belong to a guild.

bolsa 4.png


Number 2: besides the FP rewards and the end of season rewards what other things do I earn?

I will divide this answer in 3 parts, the first is for qualifying battles, which are the ones we play daily to get chests every day and also seasonal, in them you can get cards that right now can not be traded but you can do it in the future, you can earn merits to buy Gladius cards, SPS, potions and card packs. These card packs can be opened and these cards can be traded because they are from the previous edition to the current one, and also note that the SPS you earn will go directly to your SPS stake, so if you want to withdraw it to spend it you must make a power down of SPS that takes 1 month, in weekly intervals, ie, you get a weekly 25% of what you withdraw.
The second way are the tournaments, in these you sign up and you can participate with your cards without affecting your energy for qualifiers, each tournament has its special prizes and guidelines to enter, you can find them here.
The third and last are the clan wars, to participate you must obviously belong to a clan, they give merits and SPS as rewards for your victories and have a special type of card for them, called Gladius.


Number 3: I know there is the guide of the skills but I'm more of a video person than a reader, so which ones have more synergy to form teams?

The answer to this is much more complex really but to not overwhelm you with so much information from the start I recommend using the Protect skill, because it increases the armor of all your cards and that is always good, these are the cards that have that ability in Bronze. Heal is the most used in that range, so Tank Heal and Heal are two skills that combine excellent, here are the ones with Heal and here are the ones with tank heal. As a last tip I recommend you to use as a tank the cards that have Shield if you are not using the ones that have Heal, because this way they will take a lot of damage, another good combination is to use a tank with Shield and a card with Tank Heal, a good example would be this one:


The synergy of skills is a very complex topic that no one can teach you 100%, you must learn it as you play, start with these that I told you before and surely you will have a good base to learn the rest.


Number 4: which cards to use in water teams and in which order taking into account factors such as low mana and high mana.

This question also has a somewhat complex answer in general, so I will limit the answer to the water splinter, in bronze rank and with the initial cards that are the first ones you know. Kelya Frendull is an excellent summoner although Bortus is better against enemies with magic, in the image I leave the cards and the order in which you should play them from left to right. The high mana lineup is based on the speed that the summoner gives you and is excellent in Bronze against everything that is not magic, has good damage and good defense with the fourth card, Merdaali Guardian, which will heal your tank when it suffers damage.


The low mana alignment is to use low cost versions of these cards that while they won't give you the same result, they will be very useful at that mana level. Both have a good combination of damage, good attack and good defense, try them and see how they work for you.


Number 5: how the hell do they raise the life of their "tanks" every time if when I use tanks and another one that heals it, it doesn't raise the life of the monster that much.

The Tank heal ability restores a third of the total life of the monster, rounded up. It can happen that you combine the ones I mentioned earlier, Heal + Tank Heal or that you are using Tank heal more than once in the battle, in all these cases there is a perfect card to counter and it is the powerful Doctor Blight, which is not very expensive to rent at level 1 and is very cheap.


Number 6: Which cards to rent and how to use them?

To start mastering the game I recommend you first rent all the ghost cards, for that you go to, go to the Rent tab at the top and there you apply the filters in this image:


If you do not have the budget for this level, then do it at level 1 which is the same for the rewards, the important thing at the beginning is not what you can win if not learn how to win, so you should go testing the cards so you know which are the ones that serve you more for your style of play, I for example already know which are all the cards I need for each splinter and for each level of mana, but as I know that this can be quite complicated I am going to leave in my Peakmonsters profile a series of preset decks with the cards that will serve you best for each level, for example: Fire Modern Deck [Bronze] and the great thing about this is that you can log in, see how much it costs to rent it and even rent the cards from there, I will be uploading decks for Bronze there so you can use them.


Number 7: How do I get a sugar daddy?

You must open a profile on Puppetsfans and start selling content.



Number 8: Who can give me a runi?

I'm sure @yonilkar could, if you convince him with some pictures of your feet, a friend told me. Or you can go conventional and buy it at the market.


number 9: why did the game give me such a hard time on the second day? it literally kicked my ass like 15 games in a row...

This happens to all of us, we have moments of glory and Venezuelan moments, I have done streaks of 20 games in a row winning as well as there are times when I lose 20 in a row, from that I learned that if I lose more than 4 games in a row I stop playing, I take a break to meditate what I'm doing wrong and then I come back with everything, it has never worked but it is my method (lie, it helps a lot).


So far have come the questions of the bag, I hope I have answered them well and that the video serves not only for him but for all those who have questions about it, if you want to be the next just look for me by any social network or by a comment in this post with your questions and I will answer them in a next video.


Splinterlands is a complex game that can't be learned overnight, but by taking one step at a time you will be closer and closer to becoming a great player and getting rewards, so don't get discouraged and keep practicing!

One last tip, go to the best battles tab and look for those of your rank, study them, try to understand why the loser turned out to be a loser and vice versa, there is no better way to improve than learning from the strategies of the best players.


Si eres hispano y quieres unirte a un clan haz click aqui

Click the image  you wanna play Splinterlands!

All game images are taken from the official game website and Splintercards, credits to whom it may concern.

Gracias por leer.png

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que son mancos pues,,,
Coito contra su voluntad


Coño esta muy "gueno" el resumen, lo de rentar si logre aprenderlo a los golpes y luego reafirme con un post que hizo @rosmaipure.... Ahora todo tiene sentido


Pero hablando enserio, ahora se porque los de planta siempre me joden con el godo verde y el caballo pajuo.

La única que no me convenció fue la de @yonilkar... ya le envie fotos y aun no he conseguido nada 🤣...

En general muy practico, simple y con dialecto directo pa los mancos!

pronto jugaremos y diras:

Un abrazote peludo cara de perola! gracias y:



Toda ayuda es bien recibida. Se agradece que dedique tiempo para despejar las dudas.

Es un juego que tiene muchos puntos que tener en cuenta, y con el tiempo de juego es que se va comprendiendo el funcionamiento.
