Walking Through Thunderstorms in Belgium: A Tale of Love, Wildflowers, and Pesky Pests

Ah, Belgium. Known for its waffles, chocolate, and... unpredictable thunderstorms? Yep, that's right. Let me take you on a journey through one of the most riveting experiences of my life: a 16 km walk through Belgian thunderstorms with my sweet hubby, chatting about everything under the dark, brooding skies.

The Beginning: Blissfully Ignorant
Our adventure began innocently enough. The skies were gray, the air was thick with the promise of rain, and we decided, "Hey, why not go for a walk?" After all, what's a little rain when you have love and a good pair of walking shoes, right?

The Thunderstorm Chronicles
As we strolled along the canal, the first raindrops began to fall. Oh, how quaint, I thought. Just a light sprinkle. But Belgium had other plans. Before we knew it, the heavens opened up, and we found ourselves in the middle of a full-blown thunderstorm. Lightning flashed, thunder roared, and there we were, two drenched souls, trudging along, talking about everything from the meaning of life to what we were going to have for dinner. Life is easy with @borniet

Wildflowers and Romance
Despite the storm, the wildflowers next to the canal were in full bloom, their vibrant colors contrasting beautifully with the dark sky. It was like nature's way of reminding us that there's beauty even in chaos. My husband, ever the romantic, pointed out each type of flower, making the walk feel like a page out of a Nicholas Sparks novel, but with more mud and fewer dramatic breakups.

The Return: A Plague of Snails and Mosquitoes
After 16 km and what felt like a year's worth of rain, we finally made it home. I was ready to collapse on the couch and enjoy the soothing sound of the rain from the comfort of my dry living room. But no, nature wasn't done with me yet. As I looked out at my garden, I saw my precious flowers being devoured by an army of snails. Yes, snails. Apparently, the thunderstorms had awakened every snail in the region, and they all decided to feast on my hard work.

And if that wasn't enough, the mosquito plague made sure that any attempt at relaxation was met with incessant buzzing and itching. Ah, the joys of Belgian summer.

The Moral of the Story
So, what did I learn from this experience? Sometimes, the best adventures are the ones you least expect. And also, always carry an umbrella and some snail repellent. But most importantly, it's the company that matters. Whether it's discussing deep philosophical questions or simply laughing at the absurdity of it all, having someone by your side makes even the stormiest of walks worth every step.

Stay adventurous, my friends. And remember, when life gives you thunderstorms, enjoy the wildflowers, dodge the snails, and maybe invest in some mosquito nets.

Until Next Time
Stay tuned for more tales of life, love, and the occasional pest invasion. Because let's be honest, what's a good story without a little chaos?

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io





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The importance of life is learning and growing looks like you did that while with a smile good for you @nathalie-s

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Sounds like a very adventurous @actifit walk today!!
Thunderstorms, slugs, mosquitoes, I'm glad you guys made it back safely!!!
Belgium sounds Beautiful, a lot like the same weather we have in the Pacific Northwest.... Slugs are the worst they eat everything!!😳


I don’t like them at all this moment 😂 thanks for the sweet reply


I definitely agree with you, my friend….
Slugs are everywhere in the Pacific Northwest !😳


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