Splinterlands Riftwatchers cards have expanded the game.


So many new options.

Every time that the team release a new set of cards it has a certain effect on the community.

All of these new cards added to the game throw everything up in the air.

Looking at all of the new riftwatchers cards we can see how many new combinations that enables.


If you add an extra 38 numbers to the lottery it creates a disproportionate amount of new winning combinations and a new card set does the same.

Suddenly there are new cards that can counter existing winning hands. New powers that can change the lineups that you expect to meet.

New strategies to plan, new algorithms for the bots. New possibilities for every single match. New packs are expensive but cards prices should drop over time as more and more of them hit the market. The common and rares have already become affordable so it's only a matter of time until the rest lower the base price.

I'll start picking them up as that happens but the most interesting cards are the legendaries and they will keep a premium price for a long time to come.


Looking at them above, they are some heavy hitting cards.

Carrying between 9 and 15 mana they will become a must have for the 99 mana battles where it will be a huge advantage to bring some big guns to the fight.

I've already had my share of struggles against the two most expensive ones already. COEURL LURKER and AGOR LONGTAIL are some serious operators that can make the difference in the big matches. A maxed COEURL LURKER especially is very hard to beat at the moment when it has dodge and swift. I will have one.

The Epic cards are all summoners but there is nothing too exciting in that batch. I would be happier with the cards already in my deck so won't be bothering with those.

Nothing too exciting in the rare section either. Lots of good options but nothing must have. I'll start buying them up form now on and hope to get some good prices.

Dragon is my strongest splinter so i'm thinking that this WHELP is a must have for my deck.


Opportunity is always a dirty little ability and this should fit nicely into my deck. I'm still working on a few of the chaos legion cards so riftwtchers isn't the priority yet but it's time to start picking up a few of the better ones to get started.

Try for yourself.

If you haven't played the game before then now is the best time to join. Today is much better than tomorrow and a lot better than later.

Cards worth a few cents now will have a much higher value in the future as the print runs out. We have a strong community and seen this happen every time as it grows with the game.

Link to the game here,


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Liking COEURL LURKER . Corsel Bosum (i think his name is) is class in life as well.


I have some of the common cards off of giveaways but those legendary cards are tough. I can't count how many times I lost a match due to them and they are quick tanky things to fight.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thanks for sharing! - @libertycrypto27

Good considerations about Riftwatchers and I agree with you legendary cards are really strong in battles with lots of mana
