RE: Enter…Grandmaster Rathe


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My strategy has always been to hand pick the cards I want off the market rather than buying packs. Not as exciting as opening packs and receiving airdrops, but it's what I do.

I've hoping the new CL Legendary Summoner for Fire will end up boosting Magic attack since I have many strong Magic cards for Red. I'll definitely be a buyer if that happens no matter the cost.

So far I have earned 7 CL packs from loot chests in the past month and a half since I began playing again. These are NOT eligible for airdrops as only ones purchased in the shop are eligible. I'm keeping these packs as investments rather than opening them. Though someday I may give in and open them using the hundreds of potions I've accumulated from daily quests.


It's actually a sound strategy. Think about this, someone chooses to rent cards first and figures out the strategies that work best for them and purchases the cards that work for their style of play. Purchasing packs leaves much up to chance and there are cards that are simply not what fits what a player uses best.

Not every card is "good" nor does every card possess an equal amount of present and future value.

There's a lot of pressure to purchase Chaos Legion packs and play in the Modern Format. I'm doing neither. It does not mean that there is a lack of faith in the development team or in the ecosystem, it is just that it is not my strategy.


I'm glad someone agrees with my strategy since I often feel like I'm the only one who is not into purchasing packs.

I also have not given into pressure to play in Modern. I believe there will be greater earning opportunity in Wild format. The Rewards pool will likely be larger and on top of that there will be less players. As most of the bots and new players will probably flock to Modern.


Playing Modern Format removes so many options for me. I really enjoy being able to play Alpha, Beta, and Promo cards. A lot of them fit into setups that I like to run and I have flexible counters.

However, there are a lot of people who think and preach that there is only one way to approach this ecosystem and in my previous post, I tried my best to say, "It's your crypto, your game, do as you see fit."

You are right, most are going to Modern. I'll happily play in Wild with my main account. With my alt and future alts, I'll do whatever is most cost-effective, they are just feeder account(s).

I never play Life, although some of the Life cards are actually awesome with Dragon summoners (Feral Spirit with Kitty or Daria for instance). So Grandmaster Rathe doesn't move the needle for me. It's just a new summoner to figure out how to counter.


Yeah, stacking your deck individually vs. buying packs is the better and more cost efficient way…but yeah…not as fun. Lol

I’m holding on to sone packs as well for “down the road”. I will open sone more though. Probably months from now when the other summoners are introduced.
