Splinterlands Social Media Challenge! Today my drawing picture The "CRUSTACEAN KING"


Hello friends how are you all.
I hope you are all well in the ego of God.I and your prayers and God's infinite mercy is good. I love to do art. I love to do make an art with pencil first.Today i'm make the "CRUSTACEAN KING" picture.This picture i look from the splinterlands site. I love to do art.


The"CRUSTACEAN KING" creature is a perfect painting. It takes a long time to draw this "crustacean king" creature. This creature looks a lot like a crab. The tools used to draw this creature are: A 4 size white one page, pencil, and some color pencils. There are 8 colors used to draw this "crustacean king" creature, namely: black, white, red, light pink, green and yellow.


*Let's paint the head of the"CRUSTACEAN KING" animal. The "Crustacean King" animal is green and yellow on the beard. I use red and green colors on my face. I use light pink, yellow, black and red colors on my forehead. I use black and white color in the eyes.


**I paint the "CRUSTACEAN KING" animal with both hands and one foot. The "crustacean king" animal has two faces for hunting with both hands. Here red and pink colors are used on the teeth. Red, light pink, green and yellow colors are used in the legs.


***I paint the"CRUSTACEAN KING" animal on two legs. The "crustacean king" animal uses black, red, light pink, green and yellow colors on both legs. Green and yellow color on the toenails, black between the knees, light pink and green This is done. In this way I do different colors in the legs.


****I paint the "CRUSTACEAN KING" between the body and the tail. I use red, green, and light pink, colors in the middle of the tail. I use these colors in different ways. I hope you like this picture. Thank you all for my success in liking you.


Splinterlands social media challenge!
Splinterlands social media challenge.Here[https://hive.blog/hive-13323/@splinterlands/splinterlands-weekly-curation-challange-december-13-2021]
